古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 依然愛妳的英文


Boy : don ' t do this don ' t do this love you too

不這麽做,不這麽做我也 依然愛妳

I know you think that i shouldn ' t still love you

我知道妳認為我不應該 依然愛妳 。

I still love you . walking by myself . .

我 依然愛妳 .壹個人孤單地走著. .

I still love you . walking by myself . .

我 依然愛妳 .壹個人孤單地走著. .

I still love you . walking by myself

我 依然愛妳 .壹個人孤單地走著

Give me just one night , una noche a moment to be by your side

我依然是妳的情人我 依然愛妳 最深

Whomever gets in , i still love you

不管誰進了這學校,我 依然愛妳

Angie , i still love you , remember all those nights we cried

安琪,我 依然愛妳 。記住我倆哭泣的那些夜晚。

I am always here to love even . though we might not always be together

即使我們無法白頭到老,我 依然愛妳 到永遠。

And i when just the o of us are there you won ’ t have to ask if i still care

別在我們相處時追問我是否 依然愛妳 ,

Lysander : i still crazy about you ! but i dreamed i love helena … … how mad

我 依然愛妳 的!但我夢到我愛上海倫娜,多麼瘋狂!

And i still love you

我也 依然愛妳

I still love you

我 依然愛妳

Chandler : no , honey you ' re not sick ! look , i don ' t love you because you ' re organized , i love you in spite of that

“親愛的,這沒什麽。我不是因為妳有潔癖才愛妳的,而是,盡管妳有潔癖,我還 依然愛妳 。 ”

You said we were playing house when we moved in together . all these times they e and go , but one thing i sure know is i still love you

我們搬到壹起住的時候,妳說我們在玩過家家。往事如雲煙,而我只知道我 依然愛妳 。

Now psten to me , while you re kissin her cheek and *** earin her ppstick , i sppped this in her drink now all you gotta do is nibble on this pttle bitch s earlobe .

原諒我的錯如果能說我 依然愛妳 最多是我犯的錯就讓我承受這痛苦結果最怕聽情歌心如刀割