古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 壹首超好聽的英文歌曲 旋律非常好

壹首超好聽的英文歌曲 旋律非常好

壹首超好聽的英文歌曲 旋律非常好

LZ, 有很多首歌都是旋律非常好的, 我覺得: defying gravity

《Immortals》 《One more night》 《Vagrant》 《As long as you love me》 《Time bomb》

求壹首超好聽的英文歌曲 旋律超好聽

《stay》Tonya mitchell


I've must have been blind

Not to see you look away from me

Whenever you say

"you love me still"

I must have been crazy

Not to see you slip away from me

Day after day there's a space to fill

And i can't find the words,

to make you fall in love with me again

And i can't find the strength to let you go oh oh

And when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one

Even if there's nothing left for us to say

As sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye

Even when we go are separate ways

In my heart you'll always stay

Ooh ooh

Been spending my time

Trying to remind you of our love

But you're pulling away with every touch

With all we've been through

I'd never thought i'd be losing you

And i would give everything to keep you here

But i can't (but i can't)

find the words to make you fall in love with me again

And i can't find the strength to let you go oh oh

And when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one

And when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one

Even if there's nothing left for us to say

As sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye

Even when we go are separate ways

I,i,i still believe our love meant to be oh

And it will be here forever e one day (e,one,day) ooh ohoh

Can you see? i love you faithfully oh yeh

And one day i'm telling you i find a way to get back to me ooh

And when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one (said and done)

Oooh,nothing left to say

As sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye

Even if we go separate ways

In my heart you'll always stay


walk me home 慵懶的旋律,開頭很不錯的音樂已經做成 *** 了~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1643. 非常純凈 的壹首純哼唱音樂:半夏 待續很輕柔唯美的 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1644. 馬克西姆 *** 澎湃的鋼琴曲《克羅埃西亞狂想曲》 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1659. 陳乃榮 - 召喚獸 - 終極三國 *** 已經做好了~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1662. 曾經的妳 許巍 壹首對青春歲月的懷念之歌和無悔宣言, *** *** 已經好了 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1677. 許嵩- 淺唱無所謂 輕柔歌曲 淺淺的愛,淺淺的唱。 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1695. 飛輪海 繼續愛 手機 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1698. 五井道子很優美的壹首歌仆の花 *** 已經好了 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1715. I Miss You 甜美女聲 *** Nikki Cleary 親情放松哦~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1169. ‖(慵懶散漫好聽女聲) *** anya marina 的 whatever you like ‖ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1175. AKON的Right Now (Na Na Na) 很嗨的壹首歌曲 *** NA NA NA 部分 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1176. Catch me if I fall(誰能在我墜落的時候拯救我?)Maria Arredondo傷感的歐美女聲~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1177. Blue Cafe - stay聽到前奏就足矣愛上她 *** 好可愛 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1187. show me love ,tina karol專輯:show me your love *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1186. 牛奶布丁,娃娃saikon 女聲部分很嗲的 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1194. 很輕柔的音樂,女版的Oh My Love,Jeon Soo Yeon , *** 很唯美 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1198. 安靜的過著屬於我的生活(歌名:愛上妳的名字 )很溫暖的歌曲 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1199. 壹年的夏天 姬娜 開頭很歡快的手機 *** ~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1205. Nico - Lucy van Pelt 很輕柔的歌曲 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1208. Rude Boy (Remix)歌手 Rihanna, 歐美最新夜店版本Remix, *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1211. 客官不可以 徐良 小淩 詼諧的歌曲 手機 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1210. 蘇荷酒吧 2010主打 hip hop 可愛泰語《讓她開心》 ~很萌的童音啦啦開場 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1209. Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea 經典首羅馬尼亞語老歌···· *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1207. 童聲哼唱歌曲 *** ~Spring In Pink 粉紅色的旋舞 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1212. 快樂男生李煒唱的突然好想妳的手機 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1215. 需要人陪,王力巨集輕柔歌曲 *** ~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1238. Spell 鋼琴下的溫柔女聲By Marie Digby ,溫柔歐美女聲 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1239. 超愛我叫MT經典對白音樂手機 *** 下載 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-181-fpage-3. 我叫MT插曲 雪-杜鵑~王藝翔 *** 手機 *** ,就是MT準備離開魔獸時背景音樂 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-684. 我叫MT 第壹季 第10集 最後的歌曲陽光之旅歌手:籬落素素 已經做成 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1240. regret 星村麻衣,我叫MT第壹季第十集原曲.. *** 已經做好了 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1241. 我心中的女主角,郭子敬溫柔的歌曲 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1254. 找了好久的韓文歌曲~New Version ~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1253. 本日金曲 比較早的歌曲松隆子 夢的點滴 今天準備換它為 *** 了 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1265. Melanie C Forever again 壹首評價好高的歌曲 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1270. 英國上尉詩人James Blunt經典歌曲You Are Beautiful :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1269. 想妳已變成習慣 --陽光男生郭子敬 歌曲 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1276. 9月新歌 Amy Pearson - Murder 耐聽女聲 透著淡淡的傷感 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1275. 家庭教師op7 FUNNY SUNNY DAY *** 澎湃的 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1274. 錯的人,蕭亞軒深情演繹蕭式情歌,靜靜的壹個人聽著。 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1280. Only Girl丨9月RNB新歌 Rihanna 很嗨很強大的壹首歌曲, :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1282. 劉惜君的 我很快樂 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1290. 武漢的兄弟姐妹們進來 換上地道的武漢方言手機 *** 吧 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1294. 老歌推薦:I'm Gonna Getcha Good 命中註定.仙妮亞 唐恩 好聽的旋律 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1318. 歌手:Cherish 歌名:Unapperciated :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1372. 小野麗莎 日本風情國語 夜來香 另類中國風 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1373. 醉清風 弦子 夢鏡的虛有 老歌新唱 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1376. Juste Une Photo De Toi -- Matt Pokora 節奏感很強的柔情法語 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1399. The Shape Of You JEWEL 驚艷女聲 受不住這樣的女聲的誘惑... *** 已經做好咯 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1411. DJ MAX 歌曲(附主題曲) :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1405. Andrea Martin - Changes (Prod. By JR Rotem). :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1413. 火燒的寂寞 蘇見信 很有殺傷力的 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1414. sarah connor change 很帶勁的藍調慢搖 已經做成 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1424. 我們倆 作詞:張瑩 作曲:郭頂 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1478. 花澤香菜 戀愛多壹點 化物語 mtv MP3 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1486. HEBE 我想我不會愛妳 田馥甄 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1497. 蘇荷酒吧熱播RNB 很有快 *** 很嗨的音樂 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1498. 蘇荷酒吧08年溫柔暖風系列track 28 *** 已經做好了~ :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1529. 柔美、清新、好聽 超柔美 清新 好聽的女聲 MADE IN HEAVEN *** 好了哦 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1716. 新生代唱作偶像 楚博仁 - 好想對妳說我愛妳 原曲試聽 *** 手機 *** :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1717. Jami Soul She 歡快的韓國歌曲,薩克斯是亮點 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1756. 每首RAP.都在講述壹個故事,、So unerreichbar :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1757. 人嘆 吳瓊 看過步步驚心的來聽聽 絕對有感覺 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1764. 壹句壹傷劉力揚 我就是這樣 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1778. 傳說 林宥嘉 劉力揚 深情對唱。情侶 *** 必備 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1779. 劉力揚 - 我就是這樣 別在乎其他人眼光,走自己的路 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1789. 何曼婷、許嵩 - 素顏 手機 *** 已經做好 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1795. 我的歌聲裏. 曲婉婷 沙啞柔美女聲 手機 *** *** 部分搞定 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1802. 電音,too much taste too much feel ,性感男女對唱,歐風柔情風格 :jyphone./read-htm-tid-1869.






Git Fresh- Blow Me A Kiss




cry on my shoulder


love to be loved by you 我最喜歡的 希望妳也會喜歡。呵呵。。這裏附上歌詞和翻譯。。

Marc Terenzi -《love to be loved by you》


I can't believe I'm standing here 我不敢相信我壹直在這裏等了這麽多年

Been waiting for so many years and 等了這麽多年

Today I found the Queen to reign my heart 直至今日才找到支配我的心靈的皇後

You changed my life so patiently 妳讓我的生命變得堅韌

And turned it into something good and real 並且把很多事情變得美好而真實

I feel just like I felt in all my dreams 我覺得就像我在夢中的感受那樣

There are questions hard to answer 有很多問題很難回答

Can't you see 妳不知道嗎?

Baby,tell me how can I tell you 寶貝,告訴我我該怎麽告訴妳

That I love you more than life 我愛妳勝過我的生命

Show me how can I show you 告訴我我該怎麽讓妳看到

That I'm blinded by your light 我被妳的光芒刺傷了眼睛

When you touch me I can touch you 當妳撫摸我時我能

To find out the dream is true 感覺到夢是真實的

I love to be loved by you 我願意妳愛我

You're looking kind of scared right now 現在的妳看起來害怕

You're waiting for the wedding vows 妳在等待婚姻的誓言

But I don't know if my tongue's able to talk 但是我不知道我能不能開口說話

Your beauty is just blinding me 妳的美麗讓我失明

Like sunbeams on a summer stream and 就像夏日河流上的壹縷陽光

I gotta close my eyes to protect me 我只能閉上眼睛保護自己

Can you take my hand and lead me 請妳牽著我的手帶我

From here please 離開這裏。。。


Baby,tell me how can I tell you 寶貝,告訴我我該怎麽告訴妳

That I love you more than life 我愛妳勝過我的生命

Show me how can I show you 告訴我我該怎麽讓妳

That I'm blinded by your light 看到我被妳的光芒刺傷了的眼睛

When you touch me I can touch you 當妳撫摸我時

To find out the dream is true 我能感覺到夢是真實的

I love to be loved 我願意妳愛我

I need to be loved 我需要妳愛我

I love to be loved by you 我願意妳來愛我

I know they're gonna say our love's not 我知道他們說我們的愛不足以

strong enough to last forever 堅定到永遠

And I know they're gonna say that we'll 我也知道他們會說因為艱難的環境

give up because of heavy weather 我們放棄我們的愛

But how can they understand 但是他們怎麽能夠理解

that our love is just heaven sent 我們的愛正是上天給予我們的

We keep on going on and on cause 讓我們壹直擁有著它

this is where we both belong? 因為它屬於我們兩個

Baby,tell me how can I tell you 寶貝,告訴我,我該怎麽告訴妳

That I love you more than life 我愛妳勝過我的生命

Show me how can I show you 告訴我我該怎麽讓妳看到

That I'm blinded by your light 我被妳的光芒刺傷了眼睛

When you touch me I can touch you 當妳撫摩我時

To find out the dream is true 我能感覺到夢是真實的

I love to be loved 我願意妳愛我

I need yes I need to be loved 我需要妳愛我

I love to be loved by you 我願意妳來愛我

Yes I love to be loved by you 是的,我願意妳來愛我……


歌名stay here forever



《Just one Last dance>

<Need you now>


<Every moment of my life>

<cold as you>

<Top of the world>

《Cry on my shoulder>