旁白:Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest.熊爸爸媽媽寶寶壹家住在森林裏
This is father bear.He’s fat.爸爸熊很胖
This is mother bear.She’s thin.媽媽熊很苗條
And this is baby bear.He’s little and he’s cute.寶寶熊很可愛
旁白:“Ring,”went the telephone.”
姑姑熊:Come to my house for lunch”
媽媽熊:“Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear.
旁白:She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper.她準備好了晚餐離開了家 Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear’s house.他們壹家去了姑姑熊的家
旁白:A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.壹個金發女孩住在村莊裏
She discovered the Bears’ house and went inside她發現了熊的房子然後邁了進去 Without asking.She sat in a chair.壹句話都沒問她就坐在了椅子上
女孩:“This chair is too hard!”這把椅子太硬了
“This chair is too soft.”這把椅子太軟了
“This chair is just right.”這把椅子剛剛好
旁白:She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way.
Goldilocks saw the three bowls of noodles.然後她看見了三個裝滿面條的碗。
女孩:”The big bowl was much and too hot!”這碗太大了也太燙了
“Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”這碗應該會好壹些吧
旁白:Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold.但是這碗太涼了
She grabbed the third bowl .於是她拿來了第三個碗
女孩:It was just right.這碗剛剛好
旁白:Then she’s tired ,she go upstairs to the bedroom.她累了,於是她上樓走到了臥室。
女孩:It is too hard.第壹張床太硬了
It is too soft.第二張床太軟了
旁白:Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.於是她躺在了第三張床上睡著了。
旁白When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted,
媽媽熊:“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair!”有人坐了我的椅子!
爸爸熊:“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair!”有人坐了我的椅子!
寶寶熊:“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair and now it’s all broken!”有人坐了我的椅子!現在它都壞了!
旁白:In the kitchen在餐廳
媽媽熊:“Somebody’s been eating my noodles!”有人吃了我的面條!
爸爸熊:“Somebody’s been eating my noodles!”有人吃了我的面條!
媽媽熊:“Somebody’s been eating my noodles and they ate it all up!”有人吃了我的面條並且壹點不剩!
旁白:The three bears climbed the bedroom stairs.三只熊悄悄地走上了樓梯
爸爸熊:Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!”有人睡過我的床!
媽媽熊:Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!”有人睡過我的床!
寶寶:Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed有人現在還在我的床上睡著呢!
旁白:Goldilocks woke up金發女孩突然驚醒
女孩:“Please,forgive me,”請原諒我吧
旁白:The Bears forgave her.三只熊原諒了女孩