古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - frozen怎麽讀


英[?frzn] 美[?fro?zn]


be frozen 凍住?

frozen food 冰凍食物

beware the frozen heart 融化冰封的心

These?frozen?foods are the most convenient of all. 這些冷凍食品是最為方便。

Our feet crunched on the frozen snow. 我們的雙腳嘎吱作響地踩著冰凍的雪地。

The lake was frozen over until late spring. 那湖全讓冰封住了,到晚春才解凍。

The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被凍死了。

Well, we find a quasi-liquid layer on the surface of ice is basically a thin layer of water that's not completely?frozen.
