古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - cross是什麽意思


名詞 n. [C] 1.十字形;十字形記號 This island is in the shape of a cross. 該島呈十字形。 2.十字架 Jean wears a tiny golden cross. 瓊戴著壹只小小的金十字架。 3.(常大寫)基督教[the S] 4.(教徒)畫十字的動作 5.十字形裝飾物;十字勛章 6.混合物;雜交;雜種[(+between)] A Barbary duck is a cross between a wild duck and an ordinary duck. 巴巴裏鴨系由野鴨與普通鴨雜交而成。 7.磨難;苦難 Everyone has a cross to bear. 每壹個人都有自己的苦難。 We all have our cross. 我們大家都有各自的苦難。 及物動詞 vt. 1.越過,渡過 They crossed the river by boat. 他們乘舟渡河。 2.使交叉;與...相交 Don't cross your legs when you sit, please. 坐時請不要交叉雙腿。 3.錯過 4.使雜交[(+with)] 5.英在支票上畫兩條平行線(表示只能在銀行轉帳) 6.(為祈福等)畫十字於 She crossed herself as she stood before the altar. 她立在祭壇前用手在胸前畫了個十字。 7.反對;妨礙 If anyone crosses her, she gets very angry. 如果遭人反對,她會非常生氣。 不及物動詞 vi. 1.橫穿,橫渡 They crossed through the great desert. 他們橫穿過大沙漠。 2.交叉,相交 3.錯過 Our letters must have crossed in the mail. 我們的信壹定在郵寄途中互相錯過了。 4.雜交 形容詞 a. 1.發怒的,脾氣壞的[(+with/at)] Don't get cross with me, it wasn't my fault. 不要對我生氣,那不是我的錯。 It's no good getting cross with him. 和他生氣沒有用。 2.交叉的;橫貫的 She turned into a cross street. 她轉身走進壹條橫馬路。 3.相反的 cross- 前綴 pref. 1.表示"橫過" 2.表示"相反" 3.表示"十字形"