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絲襪:silk stockings,silk stocking。


1、Stockings of sheer silk透明絲襪。Snagged a stocking on a splinter.被刺鉤破的絲襪。Nylons have the virtue of durability.尼龍絲襪有耐穿的優點。Lilion, the finest yarn that makes your stockings look beautiful and feel smooth.擁有力萊纖維,就擁有最優美舒適的絲襪。

2、She made a purple coat and put it around her scarecrow and dressed it in white silk stockings她做了壹件紫色的外套,把它披在稻草人的身上,並且為它穿上白色絲襪。With an evening dress one wears 10 denier stockings.壹個身著晚禮服的人穿著旦尼爾值為10的長筒絲襪。

3、She was making an elastic stocking of heliotrope silk, turning the spiral machine with slow, balanced regularity她正在做壹只淡紫紅色的彈力絲襪,慢條斯理、有條不紊地轉動著螺紋機。


n. 絲,蠶絲;絲綢。adj. 絲的;絲綢的;絲制的

The dress is made of neat silk. 這連衫裙是用光滑的絲綢做成的。In 1796 he took silk.1796年他任王室法律顧問。This silk scarf spots easily.這塊絲綢圍巾容易沾上汙漬。I like the feel of silk. 我喜歡觸摸絲綢。She fingered the rich silk.她用手指觸摸著那華美的絲綢。