1、Becky is my best friend since childhood。貝基是我從小的最好朋友。
2、I invited Becky to my birthday party。我邀請了貝基來參加我的生日派對。
3、Becky has a great sense of humor。貝基很有幽默感。
4、We went shopping with Becky yesterday。昨天我們和貝基去購物了。
5、Becky is known for her artistic talents。貝基以她的藝術才能而聞名。
6、Becky is a dedicated and hardworking student。貝基是壹個專註努力的學生。
7、Becky loves to travel and explore new cultures。貝基熱愛旅行和探索新文化。
8、We often have deep conversations with Becky about life and philosophy。我們經常與貝基進行關於生活和哲學的深度對話。
9、Becky's kindness and compassion inspire everyone around her。貝基的善良和同情心激勵著身邊的每個人。
10、Becky's dedication and perseverance led her to achieve great success in her career。貝基的奉獻和毅力使她在事業上取得了巨大的成功。