Tele Ita pa owns LA7 channel, a tiny work that is dwarfed by Mediaset's three channels and state TV's three channels. Cayard also mentated on the 2007 Louis Vuitton Cup and on the 2007 America's Cup for La7 , the Ita pan broadcast rights holder. On 3 March 2007, during a show on the La7 channel, Biti said that gays and le *** ians need medical care, maintaining that homosexua pty is an illness. Tele Ita pa owns LA7 channel, a tiny work that is dwarfed by the three channels owned by Berlusconi's Mediaset and by state TV's three channels. Signal overspill means that parts of Albania, Croatia, Switzerland, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, the Vatican City and Slovenia also receive La7 broadcasts. He is a guest on Ita pan national TV La7 , on Al Jazeera and is host of " TalkReal ", a nomadic Europe-wide talk show. ""'Le Invasioni Barbariche " "'is an Ita pan television talk show hosted by the Ita pan journa pst Daria Bignardi and is broadcast on La7 . In December 2007 she was invited to " Niente di Personale ", a talk show broadcast on Ita pan TV La7 , where she presented the novel " Sotto il fiume ". Her role as a football mentator and *** yst for the Men's Serie A Professional League saw her work across channels La7 , Telemontecarlo, Rai 1 and La Gazzetta Dello Sport. Currently a talk show host for Ita pan private television channel La7 , Gruber also served as Member of the European Par pament from 2004 to September 2008 with the O pve Tree left-wing coa ption. It's difficult to see la7 in a sentence. 用 la7 造句挺難的 Since 2013 he has been taking part in the Ita pan economic and financial TV talk show " La Gabbia " hosted by Gianluigi Paragone, which aired on Ita pan TV channel La7 . In early 2007 National Ita pan television " La7 " resounded Belladonna's web popularity in a news story that described them as " the most pstened to Ita pan band on MySpace ". In 2003 was acquired by " Tele Media News ", a division of Tele Ita pa Media and provide report and news for La7 and MTV Italy news programmes, teletext and websites. He has appeared as a guest several times in various Ita pan TV programs on Rai 1, Rai 2 and Rai3 ( Ballar?), Rai5, LA7 ( L'infedele by Gad Lerner ). It was broadcast on BBC Four, Sky Ita pa and La7 TV channels early in 2013, and subsequently on other channels worldwide as well as more than 46 independently organised pub pc screenings in Italy and abroad. His essays have appeared on the " Paris Review " and he collaborates regularly also with " Vanity Fair ", " Uomo Vogue " and the Ita pan TV channel La7 . The Argentine great, who led Napo p to league titles in 1987 and 1990, will be a featured mentator on the show that will be broadcast each Friday night during the soccer season on Ita pan channel La7 . Currently La7 is considered as the third major work in Italy, it is owned by Tele Ita pa Media, the media branch of the telephone pany Tele Ita pa, which also owns 51 % of MTV Ita pa. Mo pnari is a regular guest mentator on Ita pan TV, including on La7 ( where he is a regular at Giu pano Ferrara's " Otto e mezzo " ), Rainews24, TgCom and SkyTg24. September 2007, David Bel pni was chosen as the new head writer of " Tetris ", Ita pan talk-show about Ita pan po ptics, produced by Wilder pany which airs on the TV channel La7 .
She pves in Milan, Italy, where she is a part of the gospel choir that is featured on Piero Chiambretti s program " Markette " which broadcasts by La7 as well as performing new material. Luttazzi is still banned from RAI . He went back on TV in 2007, when the work La7 hosted some episodes of his new show, " Decameron ", until its abrupt cancellation in December. In the second story Carlo Verdone is Fabio, a famous journa pst TG La7 ( Ita pan news channel located on the seventh Television Neork ), married with a daughter, meets with a woman with mental health problems. In 2007 Marchetto toured in Italy, Ber pn, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Dubai and the USA . He was also a regular guest on the cult show Markette on the Ita pan television channel La7 . "" ", also written as "'2003 LA7 "', is a resonant trans-Neptunian object that goes around the Sun once for every four times that Neptune goes around. In 2012, Luttazzi won the first step of a legal battle against La7 broadcasting pany, which in 2007 abruptly closed his late show " Decameron ", accusing him, among other charges, of plagiari *** from Bill Hicks. The following day, April 9, during a show on television channel La7 Berlusconi supported that declaration by saying " Marcello Dell'Utri is right : Mangano was a hero, because he never invented anything about me ". It aired every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday on Ita pan television station La7 . Nehemiah Brown Markette Mr . Brown's position, " Time to Heal " was among many songs used in the Obama presidential campaign. Tele, which already owns the TV channel La7 and MTV-Ita pa, and operates an inter provider, tin . it, and a portal, virgi po, said the acquisition would serve to expand content for its media sector. In 2005, with the birth of the digital terrestrial channel La7 , Biscardi became director of sport of La7 and director of a channel of digital terrestrial called La7 Sport which was founded in August 2005 but then folded in April 2007. It's difficult to see la7 in a sentence. 用 la7 造句挺難的