2. Why do animals have interests? Because they have intrinsic value. If the animals have physical and mental instincts (they can feel pain), then the benefits will come from the animal to escape the pain ( "avoid pain" interest), then we not human beings should be respected like interests? In order to respect the interests of animals, the following rules and regulations should be implemented: If it is to satisfy people's desire for meat, you should prevent the breeding, transport and slaughter process are unnecessary suffering. In the process of slaughter should be as much as possible in the shortest time to kill, to match the animals to alleviate the pain. If the causative animal, it can not exceed the scope of their ability to withstand. In addition, the animal should be healthy daily living conditions, which include animal care should be as pleasant as possible, public health, an area should be large enough. Can not be cruel to animals, the implementation of detention and imprisonment.
3. What are the interests of animals? Survival, reproduction, and to be protected. Here the protection is. People are not violent, cruel, indiscriminate culling. There is no purpose of killing animals will be disgusted by people.
4. What are the interests of humanity? From the slaughter of animals to match the oral to satisfy the wishes of human beings, especially in the food shortages caused by World War II, as well as under the pressure of rapid population growth, people need a large number of breeding and slaughtering animals to satisfy the needs of human beings as well as through the sale of animals to to meet the pecuniary interests. At this point, the interests of humanity than animals, their own interests. In today's society, people and animals are not truly equal, animals can use human resources. We want to pursue the interests of human and animal can achieve a maximum level between the interests of balance, such as livestock farms to provide animal care, comfortable environment, food and all other animal needs in order to exchange them with dairy milk. In addition, the text of the rules and regulations mentioned in the interests of humanity and animals also contribute to a balance between the interests of animals for agricultural purposes to match the guarantee morality.