古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 看圖表寫壹段英語作文,盡量用些詞組。真的是急用。。萬分感謝。


The bar chart illustrate on sales changes in four year time coresponding with number of dollors. Since 2001 Company A fall a little behind compare to company B which are 45m and 65m. Surprisingly, Company A start to overtake B, reached the number exactly same as company B in 2001 however, B was drop to 45m in 2002. In 2003, company A has a dramaticlly increasing in number of sales, sitted on 120m, in opposite, B decrease to 25m.

Seem nothing could stop Comany A, a sharp growth number during 2004 was 180m compare to B 20m