As Time Goes By
You must remember this A kiss is still a kiss A sign is just a sign
The fundamental things applies As Time goes by
And when two lovers woo They still say "I love you" And that you can rely
No matter what the future brings As time goes by
Moonlight and love songs Never out of date Hearts full of passion Jealousy and hate
Woman needs man And man must have his mate That no one can deny
The world will always welcome lovers As time goes by
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
They asked me how I knew My true love was true Oh, I of course replied
Something here inside Cannot be denied
They said someday you'll find All who love are blind Oh, when your heart's on fire
You must realize Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed then And I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love
Yet today my love has flown away I am without my love
Now laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide Oh, so I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes
(這是劇中我們第壹次聽到《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》這首歌。不知道大家還記不記得,劇情裏,在蓮茜第壹次唱這首歌之前的壹段情節,有個怪異的老頭替蓮茜她們四人算命,老頭對蓮茜的命運總結就是“客死異鄉”,然後的劇情就是蓮茜在麗花唱《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》,劇情這樣安排是不是讓人覺得很有宿命感?Smoke Gets In Your Eyes中文翻譯過來意思是“煙霧彌漫妳的眼”,後來蓮茜就是因為過度抽煙酗酒才得肝癌的,而蓮茜與John深情對唱的時候,唱的也是這首歌,看來《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》又恰如其分地印證了蓮茜與John之間的情感命運。不信的話,讓我們來看看其中的壹句歌詞大意“Oh,When your heart's on fire, you must realize smoke gets in your eyes”,中文意思是“當妳熱情澎湃的時候 ,妳的眼睛蒙上了壹層煙霧”,是啊,當蓮茜與John的感情開花結果的時候,病魔雕零了蓮茜與John的愛情之果。“煙霧”即“病魔”,“病魔”即“煙霧”。)
Love Me Tender
Tell Laura I love her
Laura and Tommy were lovers
He wanted to give her everything
Flowers, presents and most of all a wedding ring
He saw a sign for a stock car race
A thousand dollar prize it read
He couldn't get Laura on the phone
So to her mother, Tommy said:
Tell Laura I love her, tell Laura I need her
Tell Laura I may be late
I've something to do that cannot wait
He drove his car to the racing ground
He was the youngest driver there
The crowd roared as they started the race
Round the track they drove at a deadly pace
No one knows what happened that day
How his car over-turned in flames
But as they pulled him from the twisted wreck
With his dying breath, they heard him said:
* Tell Laura I love her, tell Laura I need her
Tell Laura not to cry,
My love for her will never die
Now in the chapel where Laura prays
For her Tommy who passed away
It was just for Laura, he lived and died
Alone in the chapel, she can hear him cry:
Tell Laura I love her, tell Laura I love her....
《L-O-V-E LOVE》 –莎莎救唱
I will not give you riches
Riches are not my wishes
I'll give the vow of my life
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
L is for life and living
O is the oath of giving
V and E vow of enternity
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
Though the word may be simple
Yet the feeling is true and deep
Here's a pledge for you to keep
My true love L-O-V-E
I'll make your life worth living
I'll take and I'll be giving
Please take my vow of enternity
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
(溫拿五虎唱的,前面觀眾要蓮茜《L-O-V-E LOVE》,可她不會唱,莎莎只好上來唱。難得看到莎莎唱歌。)