古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - think over,think about,think of,think的區別是什麽?何時用他們?

think over,think about,think of,think的區別是什麽?何時用他們?


think 1

/ θ?k; θ?k/ v (pt, pp thought / θ?t; θ?t/)

[I, Ipr]~ (about sth) use the mind in an active way to form connected ideas 想; 思索; 思考: Are animals able to think? 動物能思考嗎? * Think before you act, ie Do not act hastily or rashly. 先思而後行. * Let me think a moment, ie Give me time to think before I answer. 讓我考慮壹下. * He may not say much but he thinks a lot. 別看他說得不多, 但他想得很多. * Do you think in English or translate mentally from your own language? 妳是用英語思考呢, 還是在頭腦中把自己的語言翻譯過來呢? * You're very quiet what are you thinking (about)? 妳靜靜的不出聲, 想什麼呢?

[Tf, Tw no passive 不用於被動語態, Cn.t esp passive 尤用於被動語態, Cn.a, Cn.n] have as an idea or opinion; consider 認為; 以為: `Do you think (that) it's going to rain?' `Yes, I think so.' ‘妳認為會下雨嗎?’‘我想可能下.’ * `It's going to rain, I think.' `Oh, I don't think so.' ‘我看快要下雨了.’‘噯, 我看下不了.’ * I think you're very brave. 我認為妳很勇敢. * I think this is their house but I'm not sure. 我想這是他們家, 但不敢肯定. * Do you think it likely/that it is likely? 妳認為這事可能嗎? * I thought I heard a scream. 我好像聽到了壹聲尖叫. * What do you think she'll do now? 現在妳認為她要幹什麼? * Who do you think you are? ie Why are you behaving in this overbearing, etc way? 妳以為妳很了不起嗎? * a species long thought to be extinct 早就認為已經滅絕的種類 * He's thought to be one of the richest men in Europe. 人們認為他是歐洲最大的富翁之壹. * You must think me very silly. 妳準認為我很蠢. * Some people think him a possible future champion. 有些人認為他可能是未來的冠軍.

[Tf] have or form as an intention or plan 有意; 打算; 計畫: I think I'll go for a swim. 我想遊泳去. * It is thought that the Prime Minister will visit Moscow next month. 據估計首相於下月訪問莫斯科.

[Tw no passive 不用於被動語態] (used in negative sentences with can/could 用於否定句, 與can/could連用) form an idea of; imagine 料想; 想像: I can't think what you mean. 我想像不出妳是什麼意思. * We couldn't think where she'd gone to. 我們想不出來她到哪裏去了. * You can't `think how glad I am to see you! 妳無法想像我見到妳有多高興!

[Tw no passive 不用於被動語態] take into consideration; reflect 考慮; 深思; 細想: Think how nice it would be to see them again. 想想能再次見到他們該有多好哇. * I was just thinking (to myself) what a long way it is. 我剛才還在琢磨著這條路多長啊.

[Tn, Tf, Tt] expect (sth) 預料到, 料想到(某事): Who'd have thought it? eg of a surprising event 誰能料到有這樣的事呢? * I never thought (that) I'd see her again. 我從未想到還能見到她. * Who would havethought to find you here? 誰能料到妳在這兒呢?

[I, Tn](infml 口 esp US) direct one's thoughts in a certain manner or to (a subject) 朝某壹方面想; 專想(某件事): Let's think positive. 我們往好的方面想想吧. * If you want to make money you've got to think money. 妳要是想賺錢, 腦子裏就得想著錢.

(idm 習語) I `thought as much that is what I expected or suspected 我就是這麼想的; 果然不出我所料. see/think fit => fit1. ,think a`gain reconsider the situation and change one's idea or intention 重新考慮情況並改變想法或意圖: If you think I'm going to lend you my car you can think again!妳要是以為我能把汽車借給妳, 妳還是另打主意吧! think a`loud express one's thoughts as they occur 邊想邊說出聲來; 自言自語. think better of (doing) sth decide against (doing) sth after thinking further about it (深思後)決定不采納某事物或不做某事. think (all) the better of sb have a higher opinion of sb 對某人有更高的評價. think nothing `of it (used as a polite response to apologies, thanks, etc 用作回應道歉﹑ 感謝等的客氣話). think nothing of sth/doing sth consider(doing) sth to be normal and not particularly unusual認為(做)某事很平常﹑ 不特殊: She thinks nothing of walking thirty miles a day. 她覺得壹天走三十英裏無所謂. think twice about sth/doing sth think carefully before deciding to do sth 認真考慮後再決定做某事: You should think twice about employing someone you've never met. 妳要雇用素未謀面的人應三思而行. think the world, highly, a lot, not much, poorly, little, etc of sb/sth (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於進行時態) have a good, poor, etc opinion of sb/sth對某人[某事物]評價高﹑ 不高等: His work is highly thought of by the critics. 他的作品深受評論家推崇. * I don't think much of my new teacher. 我認為我們的新老師不怎麼樣.

(phr v) think about sb/sth (a) reflect upon sb/sth; recall sb/sth 回想或想起某人[某事]: Do you ever think about your childhood? 妳是否回憶過童年的事? (b) take sb/sth into account; consider sb/sth 考慮到某人[某事物]: Don't you ever think about other people? 妳從來就不考慮考慮別人嗎? * All he ever thinks about is money. 他想的只是錢. think about sth/doing sthconsider or examine sth to see if it is desirable, practicable,etc 考慮或盤算某事(看是否可取﹑ 可行等): I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow. 我要把這事仔細想想, 明天再給妳回話. * She's thinking about changing her job. 她正考慮要換個工作.

think ahead (to sth) cast one's mind forward; anticipate(an event, a situation, etc) 預想, 預見(某事﹑ 某情況等).

think back (to sth) recall and reconsider sth in the past 想起並重新考慮(過去的)某事; 反思.

think for oneself form one's opinions, make decisions, etc independently 獨立思考(形成看法﹑ 做出決定等).

think of sth/doing sth (a) take sth into account; consider sth 考慮到某事物: There are so many things to think of before we decide. 我們要考慮到許多方面然後才能做決定. * You can't expect me to think of everything! 妳不能指望我把什麼事都想到了! (b) contemplate the possibility of sth (without reaching a decision or taking action) 考慮某事的可能性(未做出決定亦未采取行動): They're thinking of moving to America. 他們有意移居美國. * I did think of resigning, but I decided not to.我原來確實打算辭職, 但後來打消了這個念頭. (c) imagine sth 想像某事物: Just think of the expense! 想想這筆開銷吧! * To think of his not knowing (ie How surprising that he didn't know) about it! 想想看, 他對此事竟壹無所知! (d) have the idea of sth 對某事物有見解 (often used with could, would, should, and not or never 常與could﹑ would﹑ should及not﹑ never連用): I couldn't think of letting you take the blame. 我沒想到過能讓妳承擔責任. * She would never think of marrying someone so old. 她從未想過嫁給年紀這麼大的人. (e) call sth to mind; remember sth 想起或記得某事物: I can't think of his name at the moment. 我壹時想不起他的名字了. (f) put sth forward; suggest sth 提出或建議某事: Can anybody think of a way to raise money? 有人能想出籌款的辦法嗎? * Who first thought of the idea? 是誰先出的這個主意?

think sth out consider sth carefully; produce (an idea, etc) by thinking 仔細思考某事; 想出(主意等): Think out your answer before you start writing. 要想好答案再動筆. * a well-thought out plan 考慮周詳的計畫.

think sth over reflect upon sth (esp before reaching a decision) 慎重思考某事(尤指做出決定之前): Please think over what I've said. 請仔細考慮我說的話. * I'd like more time to think things over. 我要多用些時間把事情好好想想.

think sth through consider (a problem, etc) fully 全面地考慮(問題等).

think sth up (infml 口) produce sth by thought; invent or devise sth 想出﹑ 發明出或設計出某事物: There's no telling what he'll think up next. 誰也不知道他下次會想出什麼花樣. * Can't you think up a better excuse than that? 難道妳想不出比這個藉口更像樣的了嗎?

# `think-tank n [CGp] organization or group of expertsproviding advice and ideas on national or commercial problems (國家的或商業的)智囊團, 專家小組. think 2

/ θ?k; θ?k/ n (infml 口)

[sing] act of thinking 思索; 思考; 考慮: I'd better have a think before I decide. 我最好還是先想想再做決定.

(idm 習語) have(got) another think coming must revise one's opinions,plans, etc; be forced to think again 必須修改個人的意見﹑ 計畫等; 不得不重新考慮: If you think I'm going to pay all your bills you've got another think coming. 妳要是以為我會替妳付清帳單, 妳還是再琢磨琢磨去吧.



consider → 指經過考慮和觀察後得出的結論。

think → 普通用詞,指按照自己的意見提出看法。

believe → 通常指根據壹定的證據,經思考後而認為屬實。

count → 指作出判斷後而得出的看法等。

deem → 正式用詞,常用於法律、文學,強調作判斷而不是思考。

reckon → 指對人或事作全面“權衡”,把各方面意見考慮進去後得出結論。

regard → 側重憑外表或表面現象作判斷。多強調觀點。



think → 最普通用詞,指想或思索,也指由反復思考而作出判斷或得出結論等。

conceive → 指在頭腦中組織好自己的思想,在心中形成壹個系統的思想或壹個見解。



realize → 指領悟,通過生動的構思或想象從而抓住事物的本質。



think → 壹般用詞,指開動腦筋形成看法或得出結論的腦力活動。不著重結論是否正確,見解是否有用。

deliberate → 指緩慢、按部就班地作仔細而認真的思考或判斷。

meditate → 語氣較強,指認真地長時間集中精力進行思考。

muse → 通常指漫無目的地猜想。

reason → 指根據資料、證據或事實進行推斷,作出結論或判斷的邏輯思維活動。

reflect → 指回想或回顧,側重認真而冷靜地反復地思考某個問題,尤指對已發生事情的思索。

speculate → 指推論過程,隱含在證據不足的基礎上作出推測或設想。