古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - elempleo


《El empleo 雇傭人生》,壹部西班牙小短片,把現實世界的雇傭關系赤裸裸地表現出來。



1990 (63rd) Creature Comforts - Aardman Animations, Channel 4 - Nick Park

動物悟語Creature Comforts

1991 (64rd) Manipulation - Daniel Greaves


1992 (65th) Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase - Joan C. Gratz

蒙娜麗莎走下樓梯Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase

1993 (66th) The Wrong Trousers - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park

超級無敵掌門狗:褲子錯了 The Wrong Trousers

1994 (67th) Bob's Birthday - Snowden Fine Animation, National Film Board of Canada, Channel 4 - Alison Snowden and David Fine

鮑伯的生日Bob's Birthday

1995 (68th) A Close Shave - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park

超級無敵掌門狗:九死壹生 A Close Shave

1996 (69th) Quest - Tyron Montgomery and Thomas Stellmach


1997 (70th) Geri's Game - Pixar - Jan Pinkava

棋逢敵手Geri's Game

1998 (71st) Bunny - Blue Sky Studios - Chris Wedge

奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎《Peter &amp


1999 (72nd) The Old Man and the Sea - Aleksandr Petrov

老人與海The Old Man and the Sea

2000 (73rd) Father and Daughter - Micha?l Dudok de Wit

父與女Father and Daughter

2001 (74th) For the Birds - Pixar - Ralph Eggleston

鳥!鳥!鳥!For the Birds

2002 (75th) The ChubbChubbs! - Sony Pictures Animation, Columbia - Jacquie Barnbrook, Eric Armstrong and Jeff Wolverton

恰蔔恰布The Chubbchubbs!

2003 (76th) Harvie Krumpet - Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Adam Elliot

裸體哈維闖人生Harvie Krumpet

2004 (77th) Ryan - Chris Landreth - National Film Board of Canada


2005 (78th) The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation - John Canemaker

月亮和孩子The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation

2006 (79th) The Danish Poet - Torill Kove - Mikrofilm AS, National Film Board of Canada

丹麥詩人The Danish Poet

2007 (80th) Peter & the Wolf - Se-ma-for, BreakThru Films - Suzie Templeton

彼德與狼Peter & the Wolf

2008 (81st) La Maison en petits cubes - Robot & Oh! Production - Kunio Katō


2009 (82nd) Logorama - H5, Autour de Minuit Productions - Nicolas Schmerkin


2010 (83rd) The Lost Thing - Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann

失物招領The Lost Thing

2011 (84th) The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore – Moonbot Studios - William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg

神奇飛書The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

2012 (85th) Paperman – John Kahrs
