[ti:The Boys]
[00:00.71]All如果是因為膽小都沒有嘗試過的話 妳就不要啰嗦了
[00:08.83]妳猶豫的時候 機會都會繞著妳走 敞開胸懷 見見世面
[00:17.95]Bring the boys out Bring the boys out
[00:27.85]TiffanyWe bring the boys out We bring the boys out
[00:34.39]AllBring the boys out
[00:35.96]泰妍人是順從道理來活著的 妳已經被順從了麽 沒事麽 get up
[00:44.34]允兒在這黑暗的世界裏讓他氣餒that's funny 沒事麽
[00:52.21]Sunny我不能就這麽袖手旁觀 即使撞碎了數次 我也要站起來
[01:00.90]徐賢壹定要冷漠的 帥氣的 把妳那野性的那壹面表現出來My boy
[01:11.87]AllBring the boys out Girls' generation make you feel the heat
[01:17.20]Yuri全世界都在關註著妳AllBring the boys out
[01:21.92]秀英妳從骨子裏就是威風堂堂的 妳本來就很帥
[01:27.46]You know the girlsAllBring the boys out
[01:30.40]Jessica妳壹定要維持的高度 妳本來就是活在這戰爭般的生活的人
[01:37.80]妳為什麽yes fly high為什麽這麽快就 you fly high放棄 Oh妳還可以的
[01:46.49]徐賢讓我們看見妳的執著 請撼動地球 讓我們都能看見妳
[01:55.51]泰妍歷史會被重新詮釋的 那個主人公就是妳 就是妳
[02:06.17]AllBring the boys out Girls' generation make you feel the heat
[02:11.45]Tiffany全世界都在關註著妳AllBring the boys out
[02:16.18]孝淵妳從骨子裏就是威風堂堂的 妳本來就很帥
[02:21.61]You know the girls AllBring the boys out
[02:26.52]Girls bring the boys out
[02:28.76]YuriI wanna dance right now 我來幫妳引領come out
[02:32.46]允兒全世界的男人們我是NO 1 給予智慧的Athena Check this out
[02:37.29]孝淵享受吧 這挑戰的緊張感 已經擁有所有的男人
[02:41.44]秀英就這麽壹直往前沖吧 keep up
[02:43.44]Girls generation We don't stopAllBring the boys out
[02:47.20]Jessica被堵住的未來 未曾看得見的未來 現在就展現在妳面前
[02:55.76]泰妍我好像被妳那漸漸完美的身影 更加的吸引 My heart
[03:04.45]All如果是因為膽小都沒有嘗試過的話 妳就不要啰嗦了
[03:12.51]妳猶豫的時候 機會都會繞著妳走 敞開胸懷 見見世面
[03:19.37]AllBring the boys outJessicaCause the girls bring the boys out
[03:22.82]Jessica+YuriGirls bring the boys out
[03:25.00]Jessica+允兒Girls bring the boys out
[03:27.19]Jessica+徐賢Girls bring the boys out
[03:29.37]AllGirls' generation make you feel the heat
[03:32.82]Sunny全世界在關註我們AllBring the boys out
[03:37.56]Tiffany即將引領世界的男人 帥氣的女人們都到這裏集合吧
[03:43.04]You know the girlsAllBring the boys out