古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - youtube讀音



youtube美 ['ju:tju:b]英 ['ju:tju:b]n.視頻網站;影片分享網站;視頻分享;搞笑影片;視頻***享網站;釋義:全部,視頻網站,影片分享網站,視頻分享,搞笑影片,視頻***享網站


1.Later, Mr Bennett was also filmed watching what appeared to be YouTube footage of a dog.隨後,本內特似乎又在YouTube上看了壹段有關狗的視頻。

2.It even allowed to me to add YouTube videos, images, and a Google search bar with a single click.它甚至可以讓我們輕輕點擊壹下就可以添加Youtube視頻,圖片和谷歌搜索條。

3.Riley did some heavy therapy on my private psychological issues, which was no doubt recorded and posted on YouTube by the bored baristas.Riley對我個人的心理問題進行了某種猛烈的療法---毫無疑問肯定又被那些無聊之至的咖啡店服務員所給錄下傳到Youtube上了。

4.YouTube officially launched its live streaming platform only in April, and it has so far only been available to a few hand-picked partners.YouTube官方說明,直播平臺四月才搭建,目前只有部分優秀的合作夥伴可以進入平臺。

5.He said the two most attractive assets available to increase web traffic were Facebook and YouTube.他表示,在增加網站訪問量方面,兩項最吸引人的資產就是Facebook和YouTube。

6.quick scan of YouTube's terms of service reveals that the company sees most of its videos as intended solely for online streaming.瀏覽YouTube的服務條款就會發現,該公司認為其絕大多數視頻只用於在線播放。

7.This is the part of the meeting that, as he warns questioners, tends to go viral on YouTube.正是聚會的這部分,就像他提醒提問者的,漸漸在YouTube上火了。

8.To get out the message, he taped a crude video for YouTube, in which he repeatedly brushes his hand against his nose.為了傳達這壹信息,他為YouTube錄制了壹份小樣,視頻中他不斷地用手蹭鼻子。人們反復呼喊著“哇哦!”

9.Two years ago, Kaspersky Lab predicted that YouTube would eventually become a vector for disseminating spam due to its worldwide popularity.早在兩年前,Kaspersky實驗室就預言,由於YouTube在全球範圍內非常流行的特點,它將會成為傳播垃圾郵件的載體。