古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - ace什麽意思



名詞 n.


The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.


2.( 網球 )(對手接不到發球的)發球得分;愛司球?

That is the third ace that he has served this match.


3. A 紙牌(亦稱“愛司”)?

形容詞 adj.



n. 幺點;發球得分;王牌駕駛員;佼佼者?

adj. 第壹流的;極好的;能幹的;傑出的?

vt. 發球得分;徹底打敗,擊敗;得高分;順利通過考試?

自動呼叫設備; 高手; 最高; 得分球?

N-COUNT 可數名詞A紙牌 An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit. ?..the ace of hearts. 紅桃A

2. N-COUNT 可數名詞(在運動等方面)成績超群的人,佼佼者 If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do. ?

..former motor-racing ace Stirling Moss. 前壹流賽車手斯特林·莫斯

Ace is also an adjective.?

...ace horror-film producer Lawrence Woolsey. 王牌恐怖片制片人勞倫斯·伍爾西

3. ADJ 形容詞非常好的;頂呱呱的 If you say that something is ace, you think that it is good and you like it a lot. ?

a really ace film. 精彩絕倫的電影

4. N-COUNT 可數名詞(網球中的)發球得分,愛司球 In tennis, an ace is a serve which is so fast that the other player cannot reach the ball. ?

The American served three aces in the opening game of the set. 這位美國選手在該盤首局有三次發球直得。

5. PHRASE 短語占絕對優勢;占盡天時地利人和 If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation. ?

'When I was an adolescent,' says a thirty-one-year-old man, 'I thought girls held all the aces.' “當我還是個毛頭小夥兒時,”壹個31歲的男人說,“我覺得完全是女孩子說了算。

6. PHRASE 短語秘藏的王牌;應急的絕招;錦囊妙計 Something that is an ace in the hole is an advantage which you have over an opponent or rival, and which you can use if necessary.?

Our superior technology is our ace in the hole. 我們超眾的技術是我們的法寶。

7. PHRASE 短語差點;險些 If you come within an ace of doing something, or you are within an ace of doing something, you very nearly do or experience it. ?

He was intent on murder and he came within an ace of succeeding. 他壹心想殺人並且差點就得逞了。

1. That is the third ace that he has served this match. 那是他在這場比賽中的第3次發球得分。?

2. The child came within an ace of being drowned. 孩子差壹點兒淹死了。?

3. I'll not wag an ace further. 我壹步也不再動啦。?

4. AA combined Ace, Suc, and Ala are highly specificity for brain abscess. AA峰結合ace、Suc、Ala峰的顯示對腦膿腫診斷特異性高。?

5. Objective: To analyse the polymorphism of ACE gene in Ewenki. 目的:研究鄂溫克族血管緊張素轉化酶(ACE)基因多態性。?

6. Methods:Polymer- ase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the ACE genotype. 方法:采用聚合酶鏈反應(PCR)方法檢測ACE基因型。?

7. Karlovic sent the ball ace, 1 no double faults. 卡洛維奇發出17個ace球,沒有1次雙發失誤。?

8. Ace, Suc and Ala appearance cues the the possible existence of cysticerciasis. Ace、Suc、Ala峰的顯示提示腦寄生蟲囊腫存在的可能性。?

9. HiPLE-ACE is widely recognized by industries as a mark for assured quality. ACE是廣泛受各企業信賴的品質標誌。?

10. Should ACE Inhibitors be Combined with Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists? ACE抑制劑應與血管緊張素受體拮抗劑合用嗎??

11. ACE information is not inherited by any descendents of the object. 該對象所有子代都不繼承ACE信息。?

12. Nowadays, many kinds of ACE-inhibitory peptides have been derived from milk proteins. 目前已從乳蛋白質中分離出多種ACE抑制肽。?

13. ACE and the insured reach the mutual agreement on the defense strategy. ACE與被保險人就抗辯策略達成壹致。?

14. Hey. Black as the ace of spades. 嘿。就像黑桃ace壹樣的黑色。?

15. The Ace of trumps is a sure winner. 王牌中的Ace是確定無疑的贏家。?

16. Ace computers. How may I help you? Ace電話公司。我能幫您忙嗎??

17. Claim letter prepared by the insured to ACE. 被保險人發予ACE之理賠信函。?

18. ACE reimburses the insured's loss under policy term. ACE依保單承保責任補償被保險人之損失。?

19. While ACE, as a coordinator, represents the interest of the whole higher education community. 而ACE作為各協會之總協會,則代表整個高等教育界的利益。?

20. In 161 cases of the lung cancer, serum values of CEA. CIC. ACE. 本文報告了161例肺癌血清癌胚抗原(CEA)、循環免疫復合物(CIC)、血管緊張素轉換酶(ACE)、急性期反應蛋白(CRP)、免疫球蛋白E(IgE)和鐵蛋白的檢測結果。?