古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - alison怎麽讀



例句:Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home 默裏在回家前和艾莉森達成了大致的約定。

Alison was not the sort of person to hide anything from her dad. 艾莉森不是那種有事瞞著自己父親的人。

'You have no right to intimidate this man,' Alison continued “妳沒有權利威脅這個人,”艾莉森接著說。

Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter. 艾莉森已經聰明地推斷出那封信就是我寫的。

I answered the phone and this voice went, 'Hello? Is that Alison?' 我拿起電話,就聽到這個聲音:“餵?是艾利森嗎?”

Alison mingled for a while and then went to where Douglas stood with John. 艾利森去應酬了壹會兒,然後走到道格拉斯和約翰站著的地方。

'You said she was a poor widow lady!' — 'In a manner of speaking she is,' Alison said.妳說過她是個可憐的寡婦!”——“從某種意義上說,她就是,”艾利森說。

Similarly, Alison Jamison of New York decided with her husband that their child had a right to their own online identity. 類似地,紐約的艾莉森·賈米森和她的丈夫決定把確定網絡身份的權利留給