古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 請問大家知不知道關於介紹廣東旅遊景點的英語網站?就是給外國人介紹廣東景點的那種?




旅遊景點 tourist attraction; tourist destination; scenic spot; places of tourist


自然景觀 natural splendor/attraction

避暑勝地 summer resort

國家公園 national park

出土文物 unearthed cultural relics

古建築群 ancient architectural complex

陵墓 emperor"s mausoleum/tomb

古墓 ancient tomb

洞穴 cave

石筍 stalagmite

鐘乳石 stalactite

石窟 grotto

壇 altar

亭 pavilion

臺 terrace

廊 corridor

樓 tower; mansion

庵 Buddhist nunnery

江河湖泊 rivers and lakes

池潭 ponds and pools

堤 causeway

舫 boat

榭 pavilion;house on a terrace

水榭 waterside pavilion/house

琉璃瓦 glazed tile

城堡 castle

教堂 church;cathedral

宮殿 palace;hall;chamber

皇城 imperial city

行宮 temporary imperial palace for brief stays

禦花園 imperial garden

四大金剛 the Four Guardians

十八羅漢 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha

甲骨文 inscription on oracle bones

青銅器 bronze ware

景泰藍 cloisonne enamel

手工藝品 artifact;handicrafts

蘇繡 Suzhou embroidery

唐三彩 tricolor-glazed pottery;ceramics of the Tang Dynasty

字畫卷軸 scroll of calligraphy and painting

國畫 traditional Chinese painting


the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study including writing

brushes, ink sticks, ink stones and paper

工藝精湛,獨具匠心 exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design

湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills

依山傍水 enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the


景色如畫 picturesque views

湖石假山 lakeside rocks and rockeries

山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters

誘人景色 inviting views

園林建築 garden architecture

佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountain

絲綢之路 the Silk Road/Route
