古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 中譯英,下面這句話誰能幫忙翻譯成英文? 多謝啦!

中譯英,下面這句話誰能幫忙翻譯成英文? 多謝啦!


接上封郵件,附件是XXX家具制作說明以及XXX提供的圖紙,對照XXX 店鋪圖紙上的編號可以在家具制作說明的全套圖裏面找到相對應的; 第二個PDF文件是發光Wall Bay 的制作說明(此工藝還沒有在國內真正實施過)。

Dear Thomas

How are you! To be continued with the contents of your previous emails: The attachment is manufacturing instructions of XXX furniture and drawings offered by XXX ,By checking the coded number on the drawing of XXX shop , counterparts could be found from the whole set of drawing of manufacturing instructions; The second PDF document is the manufacturing instruction of Wall Bay ( This technology has not genuinely enforced domestically yet)