加to。listen是不及物動詞,所以後面不能直接加壹個名詞music,必須接壹個介詞to才可以再接名詞。即listen to music,意思是聽音樂。Listen做動詞意思是“(註意地)聽;傾聽;聽信;聽從;(讓對方註意)聽著,註意聽”名詞含義是“聽”。
1、Now listen, Hummingbird.
2、So listen to your body.
3、It should listen on port 80.
4、But if you can hear me, listen.
5、I often listen in to music programs.
6、They listen more than they talk.
7、Shh! Everybody, listen to my speaking.
8、When conversing with someone, learn to not only listen, but listen actively.
9、Don't prod; carefully listen to what they say.
10、I like to listen to music. I collect records.