出演簡的為羅薩蒙德·派克(Rosamund Pike ),作品有:
1.《英國式結婚》A Rather English Marriage (1998) ..... Celia
2.《錦繡佳人》 "Wives and Daughters" (1999) ..... Lady Harriet Cumnor
3.Trial & Retribution IV (2000) ..... Lucy
4."Love in a Cold Climate" (2001) ..... Fanny
5.《擇日而亡》Die Another Day (2002) ..... Miranda Frost
6.Premiere Bond: Die Another Day (2002) ..... Herself
7.《承諾之地》 Promised Land (2004) ..... Rose
8.The Evening Standard British Film Awards (2005) ..... Herself
9.《毀滅戰士》 Doom (2005) ..... Samantha Grimm
10.《傲慢與偏見 》Pride & Prejudice (2005) ..... Jane Bennet
11.Devil You Know (2006) ..... Zoe Hughes
12.《破綻》 Fracture(2007)....Nikki gardner
13.《成長教育》 An Education (2009) .....Helen
14 《未來戰警》(別名:《獵殺代理人》、《代理人》)The Surrogates (2009) .... Maggie Greer
15《巴尼的版本》 Barneys Version (2009) .....Miriam Grant-Panofsky
16《達格納姆制造》Made in dagenham(2010)
17《我們要求男女平等》We Want Sex Equality(2010)
18《燃燒的棕櫚》(Burning Palms)(2010)
19 BBC 迷妳劇 Women in love (2011) Gudrun Brangwen
20《觀鳥大年》The big year(2011)
21 《憨豆特工2》Johny English reborn (2011)
22 諸神之戰2Wrath of the Titans (2012)
23 壹擊One Shot (2013)