古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - any one ofus是什麽意思

any one ofus是什麽意思

anyone of us 我們都會錯

i've been letting you down, down 我讓妳失望了

i know i've been such a fool giving into temptation 我知道我曾經是壹個陷入誘惑的傻瓜

i should have played it cool 我當時應該鎮定下來

* the situation got out of hand 但是事已至此

i hope you understand 我希望妳理解

it can happen to anyone of us 這樣的情況可能發生在我們任何人身上

anyone you think of 妳可以想到的任何人

anyone can fall 任何人都可能沈淪

anyone can hurt someone they love任何人都可能傷害愛他的某個人

hearts will break 讓他傷透心

cos i made a stupid mistake 我犯了個低級錯誤

it can happen to anyone of us 這樣的情況可能發生在我們任何人身上

say you will forgive me 說妳原諒我吧

anyone can fail 任何人都可能沈淪

say you will believe me 說妳相信我吧

i can't escape 我無法逃避

my heart will break 我的心都要碎了

cause i made a stupid mistake 因為我犯了個低級錯誤

a stupid mistake * 低級錯誤

he was kind of exciting 有點興奮

a little crazy 有點瘋狂

i should have known 我早應該知道

he must have altered my senses 她改變了我的認識

as i offered to walk home 以至於我曾想去她家

repeat *

he means nothing to me 對我來說什麽也不是

nothing to me 什麽也不是

i swear every word is true 我發誓我說的每個字都是真的

i don't wanna lose you 我不想失去妳

the situation got out of hand



相戀的兩個人 但是肯定是男人犯了本質性的錯誤傷了女人的心