"Mascots" 這個詞的讀音為 /?m?sk?ts/。
The school's mascot is a fierce lion, representing the strength and courage of its students.
During the football match, the team's mascot, a cute panda, cheered for the players on the sidelines.
The company's mascot, a smiling sun, is printed on all their products, representing positivity and happiness.
The Olympic Games always have a mascot to symbolize the spirit and culture of the host country.
The cartoon character Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous and beloved mascots in the world.
總結來說,"Mascots" 是指代特殊形象或象征的名詞,其讀音為 /?m?sk?ts/。這些吉祥物通過可愛、獨特或代表性的特點,來象征和代表所屬的團體、組織、活動或品牌,為人們帶來歡樂和快樂,同時也為品牌塑造了獨特的形象。