古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - “泰坦尼克號”是rose去感謝jack把她拉上來,救了她,然後他們就在甲板上聊天的那段英語對白。


[As Jack sketches her in the nude]

Rose: I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing.

Jack: He does landscapes.

Molly Brown: Who came up with the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce?

Ismay: Yes, actually. I wanted to convey sheer size, and size means stability, luxury, and above

all, strength.

Rose: Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay? His ideas of the male preoccupation with size

might be of particular interest to you.

Ruth DeWitt Bukater: Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they're

quite good on this ship.

Jack: The best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats.

Jack: I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star

Line about all this.

Jack: Wait, just let me try and get this out. Rose you're... [pause] I'm not an idiot. I know how

the world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket and nothing to offer you, and I know that. But

I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away until I know you'll be


Rose: Well, I'll be fine. Really.

Jack: Really? They've got you trapped Rose and if you're gonna die if you don't break free.

Maybe not right away because you're strong, but soon, that fire that I love so much about you

Rose, that fire's going to burn out.

Rose: It's not up to you to save me Jack.

Jack: I know, only you can do that.