古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - expensive 什麽意思

expensive 什麽意思



1、This handbag is so expensive, it costs more than my monthly rent.(這個手提包太貴了,比我壹個月的房租還貴。)

2、The restaurant we went to last night was quite expensive, but the food was amazing.(我們昨晚去的那家餐廳很貴,但是食物非常美味。)

3、The company's shares have become increasingly expensive in recent months.(這家公司的股票最近幾個月變得越來越貴了。)

“Expensive“ 這個詞語通常帶有明顯的負面意義,意味著需要花費較多的金錢,有時甚至有些價格虛高或不合理的感覺。與之相對的是 "inexpensive“,意為“不貴的,便宜的”,通常帶有正面的意義。

“Expensive“的使用可以根據具體情況來判斷是否適合。在日常生活和工作中,我們可以使用 “expensive“來描述物品的價格高昂、顯得奢華或高檔,用來表達我們的感受或者看法。例如:

1、The hotel we stayed in was quite expensive, but it was worth it for the amazing view.(我們住的這個酒店相當 expensive,但是因為景色太棒了,所以還是值得的。)

2、Designer clothes are often very expensive, but some people think they are worth it for the quality and style.(名牌服裝通常非常 expensive,但有些人覺得從質量和風格來看還是值得的。)

如果我們想在商業和金融領域中描述價格,有時候更常用 “high-priced“這個詞語。出於含義上的不同,“high-priced“更強調價格高,而“expensive“則更強調對個人所需要的花費而來是否合適。例如:

1、The company plans to release a high-priced smartphone to compete with Apple's iPhone.(公司計劃推出壹款高價的智能手機來與蘋果的 iPhone 競爭。)

2、The product was very expensive and didn't sell well, so the company lowered the price.(這個產品價格非常 expensive,銷售不佳,所以公司降低了價格。)


1、Costly:意為“貴的,代價高的”,具有相同的含義,常用於商業和金融方面。例如:The project turned out to be a costly failure.(這個項目結果證明是壹個代價高昂的失敗。)The company's expansion plan is going to be costly.(公司的擴張計劃代價高昂。)

2、Pricey:意為“價格昂貴的”,是 expensive 的俚語形式,常用於非正式場合,表示壹定程度上的幽默和輕松。例如:This restaurant is fantastic, but a bit too pricey for everyday dining.(這個餐廳很好,但是平時去有點 pricey。)The designer clothes in this store are all very pricey.(這家店裏的設計師服裝都非常昂貴。)

3、High-priced:意為“價格高昂的”,可以更加明確地強調物品或服務的價格高。例如:High-priced electronics often come with a warranty.(價格高的電子產品往往附帶保修。)The company is worried that the high-priced car won't sell well in the current market.(公司擔心這款價格高昂的汽車在當前市場不會賣得很好。)