古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - fighter的動詞




1、I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to?fight?back tears.我站在那兒,喉嚨哽咽,拼命忍住眼淚。

2、I just want you to create a good circumstance for me to?fight?with Kwan-yin, OK again?為了和觀音較量壹下,只是想讓妳為我創造壹個良好的環境,再壹次問好嗎?

3、Judo taught me to never give up and?fight?to the end.柔道教會我永不放棄,奮鬥到底。

4、We should?fight?for what we want because life is under no obligation to give us what we expect.我們需要為自己想要的事物而奮鬥,因為生活並沒有義務要給予我們所期待的東西。