古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - 英文自我介紹翻譯


Greeding 或者 good morning good afternoon情況而定

my name is ````` .20 years old girl .i come from````


my character is kind of open and outgoing .

我性格外向 喜歡交友

I like to make friends and i love dance and drawing.

喜歡交友 喜歡畫畫和舞蹈

i have a great family and of course my parents love me very much.

我有壹個幸福得家庭 我父母非常愛我

this is my first time stay alone without my families.


life in here is good , my teachers and classmates are kind and friendly to me.i love everything about here.

我的同學都很友好 我的老師也很和藹 我熱愛這裏的壹切

i have to say that I am not good at English by only scoring 65 .but i strongly believe that i can improve my English by trying my best and teachers`helps.because i really cherish this opportunity of studying here. Thank you

我知道學好英語是很重要的 但我的英語水平不是很理想 我是以65分的成績考入這所學校的 我非常珍惜這次機會 希望老師以後能多多幫助我 同時 我也會加倍努力 提高英語成績

我沒有完全按照妳逐個句子翻譯的 因為這樣就不是很自然了 但是意思壹樣 這樣說應該就沒問題了 基本都很簡單的單詞 而且比較口語化 加油