古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - sneakers什麽意思




1、He wrenched off his sneakers. If he had to swim, he didn't want anything weighing him down.他猛地蹬掉運動鞋。如果不得不遊泳的話,他不想讓自己負荷太重。

2、In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status; in others not so much.在某些場合,紅色運動鞋或T恤可以顯示壹個人的身份;在其他場合則不然。

3、When you spend $90 for a pair of Nike sneakers, only a fraction of it flows to China and even less to workers there.當妳花90美元買壹雙耐克運動鞋時,只有壹小部分的錢流入中國,到勞動者手中的就更少了。

4、Agile is like the new brand of sneakers that we want to buy to help make our development teams jump higher, run faster.敏捷就像我們想買的新品牌運動鞋,幫助我們的開發團隊跳得更高,跑得更快。

5、She had rushed to the office from her son's school wearing sweatpants, a zippered sweatshirt, and white sneakers, with her hair jammed into a ponytail.她穿著運動褲、有拉鏈的運動衫和白色運動鞋,頭發紮成馬尾,從兒子的學校沖到辦公室。