Xiamen, Fujian Province, also known as Ludao, also known as Xiamen, Heron, sub-province-level division, Special Economic Zone, southeast coastal important central city, Port and scenic tourist city. Xiamen is located at the southeast end of Fujian province, bounded by Zhangzhou in the west and Nan'an and Jinjiang in the north, together with Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, it is also known as the South Golden Triangle Economic Zone of Xiamen, Zhangquan and Fujian.
廈門,隸屬於福建省,別稱鷺島, 簡稱廈、鷺, 副省級城市、經濟特區,東南沿海重要的中心城市、港口及風景旅遊城市。 廈門位於福建省東南端, 西界漳州, 北鄰南安和晉江,東南與大小金門和大擔島隔海相望,通行閩南方言,是閩南地區的主要城市,與漳州、泉州並稱廈漳泉閩南金三角經濟區。
In 2017, Xiamen had a permanent population of 4.01 million and a registered population of 2.3103 million. In December 2018, it was ranked 22nd in the Chinese mainland list of the best commercial cities of 2018 and 9th in the list of the best Chinese tourist destination cities of 2018.?
2017年,廈門市常住人口401萬人,全市戶籍人口231.03萬人。 2018年12月,被評為2018中國大陸最佳商業城市排名第22名,2018中國最佳旅遊目的地城市第9名。