古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - “手鐲”英語怎麽說


名詞解釋: 手鐲是壹種套在手腕上的環形飾品。按結構,壹般可分為兩種:壹是封閉形圓環,以玉石材料為多;二是有端口或數個鏈片,以金屬材料居多。按制作材料,可分為金手鐲、銀手鐲、玉手鐲、鑲寶石手鐲等。妳知道怎麽用英語表達嗎?


 Soon there will be a bracelet that turns your skin into a touchscreen using a tiny built-in projector.

 Wearers of the Cicret bracelet will be able to check an email or watch a film that's projected onto their forearm, and control the picture by using their skin like a touchscreen.

 The bracelet will also contain a USB port and accelerometer as well as supporting Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

 A promotional video suggests that the bracelet will spring to life with the flick of a wrist and could be used to answer a phone call.






 文中的bracelet就是?手鐲,手鏈?的意思,按制作材料,可分為金手鐲(gold bracelet)、銀手鐲(silver bracelet)、玉手鐲(jade bracelet)等。相關詞匯還有:necklace(項鏈),brooch(胸針),pendant(吊墜),crystal(水晶),ruby(紅寶石)等。

 第二段中的forearm是名詞,意為?前臂?,如:left forearm(左前臂),其中前綴fore-表示?在的前部;預先?,如:forehead(前額),forecasting(預測)