1、He held the holder by the river and can't see the dazzling gleam of the blade anymore. There was no more fire sparks falling into the water.他握著刀柄在小河邊,再也看不到刀鋒的寒光了,再也沒有火星落到水中。
2、Realistic particles at hit of the ball: splinters of a glass, feathers of birds and sparks of advertising signboards .在球的擊中現實的粒子:壹玻璃杯的碎片,廣告的招牌鳥和火花的羽毛。
3、This time, instead of a popping noise there was a dull explosion, followed by a series of crackling noises and a shower of sparks.但這次沒聽到砰的壹聲,而是傳來壹聲沈悶的爆炸聲,接著是劈裏啪拉的聲音,然後火花四濺。