2.關系______________ relationship
4.親密的朋友_________ intimate friends
5.信賴 _______trust
6.孤獨的________ lonely (alone是副詞,lonely是形容詞)
7. 聊天___________ chat
8.喜怒無常的_______ emotional 情緒化
9.傷某人感情___________hurt one's feeling
10.活潑的個性________ active personality
12.吵架___________ fight
13.和好;和解_______ make up with sb(compromise是妥協)
14.保持聯系________ keep in touch
15.與…失去聯系______ lost contact with...
16.重聚__________ reunuion
17.珍惜(V.)________ treasure, cherish
18.發自內心地;真心實意地________ sincerely, by heart
19.獨生子女家庭_______ only child of one's family
20.交朋友____________make friends with
21.開始認識_________ get to know ...
22.個人的私事________ private affair(s)
23.相處很好__________ getting along well with...
24.仍然是好朋友_______ still good friends
25.聚會___________ gathering
26.與…有***同之處__________ in common with ....
27.理想的朋友______________ ideal friend
28. 給予妳幫助_____________ offer you some help
29.分享幸福與悲傷 _____ to share hapiness and sadness
30.我認為任何人都需要朋友, 渴望友情._
everybody in this world needs friends, and thirst for true friendships