Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Violence is an energy / 暴力就是動力
Against the enemy / 可以打倒死敵
Violence is an energy / 暴力就是動力
Bringing on the fury / 把那怒火點燃
The choir infantry / 聖樂步兵團
Revolt against the honor to obey / 快去討伐發號施令的權貴
Overthrow the effigy / 把那偶像推倒
The vast majority / 廣大的民眾
Burning down the foreman of control / 快去顛覆擺布妳們命運的領袖
Silence is the enemy / 沈默就是死敵
Against your urgency / 切斷妳的供給
So rally up the demons of your soul / 快去聯合妳靈魂裏的妖魔鬼獸
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
The insurgency will rise / 暴動騷亂必將湧現
When the blood's been sacrificed / 等到鮮血染紅戰旗的那壹天
Don't be blinded by the lies / 不要被眼前的種種假象
In your eyes / 蒙蔽視線
Violence is an energy / 暴力就是動力
From here to eternity / 永恒始於這裏
Violence is an energy / 暴力就是動力
Silence is the enemy / 沈默就是死敵
So gimme gimme revolution / 快給我給我來場革命
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Do you know the enemy? / 認不認識這敵人?
Do you know your enemy? / 認不認識妳敵人?
Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,妳得認識這敵人
Overthrow the effigy / 把那偶像推倒
The vast majority / 廣大的民眾
Burning down the foreman of control / 快去顛覆擺布妳們命運的領袖
Silence is the enemy / 沈默就是死敵
Against your urgency / 切斷妳的供給
So rally up the demons of your soul / 快去聯合妳靈魂裏的妖魔鬼獸