And I had a dream 我曾做過壹個夢
About my old school 在我曾經的學校裏
And she was there all pink and gold and glittery 她曾在那 身著耀眼粉及金色鱗光閃閃發亮
I threw my arms around her legs 我擲開雙手將她雙腿緊緊環繞
Came to weeping, came to weeping 眼淚 開始下落 開始落淚
Then I heard your voice as clear as day, 然後 我聽到妳清晰的聲音 蔓延在我的耳側 依舊如昨
And you told me I should concentrate, 妳告訴我 我應該聚精會神
It was all so strange,And so surreal,這壹切都顯得這麽奇特 這般夢幻
That a ghost should be so practical.鬼魂應該就如這般 顯得這樣真實
Only if for a night 僅只是壹個夜晚
And the only solution was to stand and fight,唯壹能做的 只有站起身來然後 戰鬥
And my body was loosened,I almost saved your life,身體已遍體鱗傷 我像是置身於火焰之中
But you came over me like some holy life,妳向我走來 感受如那些聖潔的儀式般襲來
And although I was burning,雖然我身體在燃燒
You're the only light妳卻像是那 唯壹的 壹束亮光
Only if for a night只是壹個晚上
The grass was so green against my new clothes,那油亮的小草 明顯的反襯出我的新衣
And I did cartwheels in your honour, dancing on tiptoes我努力的翻轉 妳為我而感到驕傲,踮起腳尖 起舞
My own secret ceremonials before the service began,那是僅屬於我自己的秘密儀式,在壹切開始前
In the graveyard, doing handstands.於這墓園之中 撐手倒立
And I heard your voice as clear as day,然後 我聽到妳那 依舊如昨般 清晰的聲音
And you told me I should concentrate,告訴我 要集中精神
It was all so strange,And so surreal,這壹切都顯得這麽奇特 這般夢幻
That a ghost should be so practical.壹個靈魂應該如此刻般 如此真實
Only if for a night.僅只是壹個晚上
And the only solution was to sacrifice,唯壹的途徑 只有 起身 去抗爭
And my body was loosened,我的身體已是傷痕累累
I almost saved your life,我幾乎救了妳的命
But you came over me like some holy life,而妳從遠處向我走來的時候
And I know the whole story,我知道整個故事
You're the only light.而妳 始終是那唯壹的壹束亮光
Only if for a night.只有在晚上
My darling, my dear, my darling,親愛的,親愛的,親愛的,
Tell me what all this sighing's about,告訴我這壹切嘆息是什麽,
Tell me what all this sighing's about.告訴我這壹切嘆息是什麽,
And I heard your voice as clear as day,我聽到妳的聲音壹清二楚,
And you told me I should concentrate,妳告訴我我應該集中精力,
It was all so strange,壹切都太奇怪了,
And so surreal,這般夢幻
That a ghost should be so practical.鬼魂就該 如此般真實吧
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。
Only if for a night.只有在晚上。