在英語口語裏,fish還常常被用來指“人”,類似於漢語裏的“家夥、東西”等.如:a poor fish(可憐蟲),a big fish(大亨),a cool fish(無恥之徒),a strange fish(奇人、怪人),a loose fish(放蕩鬼)等.但必須註意的是,fish用來指人時形象雖然鮮明,但往往含有貶義.
由fish構成的習語也非常生動有趣.如:fish in the air本意為“空中釣魚”,喻指“方法(向)不對而達不到目的”,相當於漢語中的成語“緣木求魚”.又如:like a fish out of water喻指“如魚離水、感到生疏”,feel the fishes喻指“葬身魚腹;暈船”.
1.Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班門弄斧.(原意為:決不要教魚遊泳.)
2.The best fish smell bad when they are three days old.久居別家招人嫌.(原意為:魚過三天就要臭.)
3.He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.不入虎穴,焉得虎子.(原意為:捉魚不要怕鞋濕.)
4.There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.縱然失去壹個機會,不愁沒有其他機會.(原意為:海裏的好魚是取之不盡的.)