Baseplate:What happened?
Price:He kill Soap.He's gone Mac.
Baseplate:What do you need from me,son?
Price:A location.Our Russian says Makarov used to cache weapons at an old castle near prague.He's got nothing more solid than that.
Baseplate:Can you trust him?
Price:What choice do I have?He's got his own reasons for wanting Makarov dead.Place ring any bells?
Baseplate:Aye.We ran drones over a suspect castle back in Zakhaey's day,but we never got wind of our targets visiting the area.
Price:What am I up aganist?
Baseplate:The place is a fortress.Only one way in or out-unless you've learnt to fly.Security office on the far side of the compound,and a command center North of that.Both were heavily guarded.
Price:If Makarov's there,he'll be in the control room.
Baseplate:What's this you're sending me?
Price:Equipment list
Baseplate:That's a lot of hardware,John.What'd you plan on doin?
Price:What you taught me to do.....Kill em all