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Price:There's a clocktower in Hereford where the name of the dead are inscribed.We try to honor their deeds even as their faces fade from our memory.Those memories are all that's left,when the bastards have taken everything else.

Baseplate:What happened?

Price:He kill Soap.He's gone Mac.

Baseplate:What do you need from me,son?

Price:A location.Our Russian says Makarov used to cache weapons at an old castle near prague.He's got nothing more solid than that.

Baseplate:Can you trust him?

Price:What choice do I have?He's got his own reasons for wanting Makarov dead.Place ring any bells?

Baseplate:Aye.We ran drones over a suspect castle back in Zakhaey's day,but we never got wind of our targets visiting the area.

Price:What am I up aganist?

Baseplate:The place is a fortress.Only one way in or out-unless you've learnt to fly.Security office on the far side of the compound,and a command center North of that.Both were heavily guarded.

Price:If Makarov's there,he'll be in the control room.

Baseplate:What's this you're sending me?

Price:Equipment list

Baseplate:That's a lot of hardware,John.What'd you plan on doin?

Price:What you taught me to do.....Kill em all