古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - mylife是什麽意思




1.I hated my life. 我憎恨我的生活。

2.Have you ever asked yourself “Do I love my life? 妳是否曾經問過自己“我喜歡我的生活麽?”

3.Then, as I was wondering what to do with my life, the revolution happened in Iran. 然後,當我正在猶豫該做為我的人生做點什麽好時,伊朗爆發了革命。

4.I have no puter, no electronics in my life. 我的生活裏沒有電腦,沒有電子產品。

5.I feel that that period in my life was extremely valuable.我覺得,那段經歷在我的人生中是非常寶貴的。

6.I felt like I needed to do something with my life. 我感覺我需要對我的生活做些什麽。