古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - why is sea blue?

why is sea blue?

When the sun light irradiation to the surface of the sea, the sea like a transparent three prism. The light from the sun is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple seven colors. The colorful light of different wavelengths, water absorption and scattering in different degrees. Red, orange, yellow wavelength long into the water, strong penetrating power, easily absorb water molecules, increase the temperature of the sea. Blue and green light part, relatively short, penetration is poor, prone to scattering. In the deep sea, red orange light are absorbed by the seawater off, which makes the water appears blue. Because the fish. Why has the fish is blue? Because the fish spit bubble! Why do fish spit bubbles is blue? Because when the fish spit bubbles have the sound of "Blue Blue Blue..."? Blue Blue Blue