am
interested
in
sports
news,international
news
and
news
in
our
own
country.I'm
interested
in
sports
news
because
like
doing
exercise
especially
playing
basketball
and
tennies.I'm
interested
in
news
both
inland
and
abroad
becase
think
it
is
important
to
keep
myself
in
touch
with
what
happened
erery
day,no
matter
big
things
or
small,both
of
them
can
make
me
be
thoughtable.
我比較對
體育新聞
,國際新聞以及本國新聞感興趣.我對體育新聞感興趣是因為我喜歡運動,特別像打籃球和網球.我對國內外新聞感興趣是因為我認為時刻關註每天發生的事能讓我變的善於思考.