A version of this article appeared in the February 2015 issue of the Toastmaster magazine.
“Leadership would be easy if it weren’t for people,” wrote Mac Anderson, founder of Successories and Simple Truths , two businesses that produce inspirational and motivational products and books.
He’s right.
You may think that leadership is about you, your skills and your experience, but leadership is really about others—all the people you deal with in business, in your community and even in your family. Without people, leadership is a one-size-fits-all skill.
Those who incorporate love into their leadership style are attracting attention. These successful business leaders are creating work cultures that value individuals as team members—not as assets or liabilities.
Corporations are shifting the focus from profit-driven bottom lines to collaborative environments that support, encourage and empower employees to grow and develop, both personally and professionally. The “love of power” is transforming into the “power of love.”
“如果沒有人,領導是很容易的,”麥克·安德森(Mac Anderson)寫道。他是Successories和Simple Truths的創始人,這兩家公司生產鼓舞人心的產品和書籍。
A Caring Attitude
Joel Manby, CEO of Herschend Family Entertainment (HFE) , takes love seriously. He leads the largest family-owned theme park organization in the United States—it’s the ninth largest in the world. For Manby, love is a verb, and it works inside and outside the workplace.
His 2010 appearance on the first season of CBS’ * Undercover Boss *allowed millions of viewers to see HFE’s leadership model in action. Manby went undercover to the frontlines of his company, working side-by-side with his employees giving “Ride the Duck” tours, participating in early morning park clean-ups and other duties performed at the park. Along the way, he encountered employees who were down on their luck. He became motivated to do more for them.
At the end of the episode, Manby gave back to alleviate the hardships of those employees he had met. The response to the show was overwhelming—it inspired Manby to write Love Works: The Seven Principles . In it, he explains the principles that guide his life and career. He believes leaders can be successful and care about employees by implementing patience, kindness, trust, unselfishness, truthfulness, forgiveness and dedication in their interactions with coworkers.
Manby says, “HFE trains our leaders to love each other, knowing that if they create enthusiasm with their employees, the employees will in turn create an enthusiastic guest experience.”
赫申德家庭娛樂公司(Herschend Family Entertainment)的首席執行官喬爾?曼比(Joel Manby)對待愛很認真。他領導著美國最大的家族主題公園組織,也是世界第九大主題公園。對曼比來說,愛是壹個動詞,在職場內外都適用。
2010年,他在哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)的《臥底老板》(Undercover Boss)第壹季中亮相,讓數百萬觀眾看到了HFE的領導力模型在實踐中發揮的作用。曼比潛伏在公司的第壹線,與員工並肩工作,進行“騎鴨子”參觀,參與清晨的公園清理工作,以及在公園執行的其他任務。在這個過程中,他遇到了壹些運氣不好的員工。他開始有動力為他們做更多的事。
Follow Your Heart
John Mackey is co-founder and co-CEO of Whole Foods Markets , a natural and organic food market that supports environmental stewardship. * Fortune Magazine named Whole Foods * one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2014 —a distinction the company has held for 17 consecutive years.
In an interview with American media host Oprah Winfrey, Mackey described the company’s mission: To sell healthy food, make a living and have fun. He advises following your heart when choosing a career. Mackey shared his story about how he dropped out of college, learned to cook and moved to a vegetarian co-op in Austin, Texas. It awakened his food consciousness and became his passion.
He and his then-girlfriend borrowed and raised a total of 35,000 to open SaferWay, a market and health food restaurant. After two years, SaferWay merged with Clarksville Natural Grocery and reopened as the first Whole Foods. Mackey now leads a corporation of 380 stores with 80,000 employees known as team members.
Mackey says leaders have a responsibility to develop their own consciousness. For him, love means being a good steward of all resources, including employees, investors, suppliers and customers.
Whole Foods extends its practice of leading with love to the earth through sustainable practices.
他和當時的女友借了3.5萬美元,開了壹家名為SaferWay的健康食品餐廳。兩年後,SaferWay與Clarksville Natural Grocery合並,並作為第壹家Whole Foods重新開業。麥基現在領導著壹家擁有380家門店、8萬名員工的公司。
Whole Foods通過可持續的實踐擴展了它對地球的愛的領導實踐。
Finding Solutions
Since 1948, Kimray has manufactured equipment for the oil and gas industry worldwide. Tom Hill, CEO and chairman of the board, takes a personal interest in the lives, aspirations, families and wellbeing of his employees.
“I’ve learned through the years that every person is living a story,” says Hill. “I may not know all that is going on in their lives, so I need to treat them with grace, patience and understanding instead of assuming everything is okay.”
During an economic downturn, Kimray chose not to lay off its employees. Instead, the company “loaned” its employees out to charitable and civic organizations while continuing to pay their salaries. When the downturn reversed, the company brought them back “home” to work, and did not have to retrain them—a win-win solution.
In another instance, when Kimray’s management realized how some poor decisions adversely affected the company, they developed a program, “Character First.” Designed for all employees, the program encourages a culture of good character—the inward motivation to do what is right. Kimray’s program has now been implemented in businesses, school districts and communities throughout the U.S. and in 28 countries.
Hill says, “One benefit of developing a culture of character and leading with love is that it makes Kimray an attractive place to work. We retain good people because they enjoy working here,” says Hill. “We also attract new employees who want to work in a safe, positive and healthy environment, which allows us to have a positive impact on our employees beyond their jobs—to their families and community.”
自1948年以來,Kimray壹直為全球石油和天然氣行業制造設備。公司首席執行官兼董事長湯姆?希爾(Tom Hill)對員工的生活、抱負、家庭和福祉十分關心。
Maintaining a Balance
From global to local, these new types of leaders can be found in large corporations as diverse as manufacturing and agriculture to small, family-owned businesses.
Paul Freeman is owner and CEO of Anchor D Bank , with branches in three rural communities in western Oklahoma. He admits it’s easy to get caught up in productivity, spreadsheets and profitability models, but, “While those are tools,” he says, “there must be a balance between bottom-line thinking and doing the right thing—not only for our customers but also for the employee *and *the employer.”
Freeman measures that in customer satisfaction with the company’s products and services. He asks questions like: *Are our customers going to have a better day because of their visit to the * bank? Are they smiling when they walk out?
He says that goes for employees also. Freeman’s bank model is having happy employees because it “transfers to the level of service they provide our customers.” Anchor D works with employees to develop each one’s career path within the bank.
Employees’ personal concerns are also addressed. When Anchor D recognized the stress its employees were under due to their financial inability to provide their children an adequate education, the bank implemented a tuition program to cover post-high school education expenses.
Anchor D leaders experienced an “aha” moment when they realized their goals should not be based on numbers, but instead should focus on the direction they take, and the culture they create, to determine the company’s outcomes.
Freeman says, “If we spend the money to create the best environment, training and culture we can … the rest will come. It’s all about doing the right thing.”
保羅·弗裏曼是Anchor D銀行的所有者兼首席執行官,該銀行在俄克拉荷馬州西部的三個農村社區設有分支機構。他承認,人們很容易陷入生產力、電子表格和盈利模式中,但是,“雖然這些都是工具,”他說,“但必須在底線思考和做正確的事情之間取得平衡——不僅是為了我們的客戶,也是為了員工和雇主。”
他說,這也適用於員工。弗裏曼的銀行模式是讓員工快樂,因為它“轉移到他們為客戶提供的服務水平”。Anchor D與員工壹起開發每個人在銀行內的職業道路。
員工的個人擔憂也被提及。當Anchor D意識到其員工由於經濟上無法為孩子提供足夠的教育而承受的壓力時,銀行實施了壹個學費計劃來支付高中後的教育費用。
Anchor D領導者經歷了壹個“啊哈”時刻,他們意識到他們的目標不應該基於數字,而應該專註於他們采取的方向,他們創造的文化,以決定公司的結果。
The Greater Good
The stories behind successful leaders reveal core values that are communicated to employees, both in policies and procedures.
Leading with love does not require a large investment of dollars or resources, but it does require taking a personal interest in the words, ideas and lives of individuals, and appreciating how a company’s success depends on the efforts of all.
And you don’t have to be the CEO of a corporation—although you may be some day—to lead with love.
For example, Demetrius Office, a member of Enid Speakers of the Plains Toastmasters club, in Enid, Oklahoma, started a young men’s basketball group about five years ago to help the players make positive decisions and action plans to improve their lives. He established trust and open communication between the group’s members, but, just when they were beginning to feel confident in the environment, a new member joined and disrupted the group’s unity.
“I knew I needed to strengthen my interpersonal skills to help this individual,” Office says. “That’s when I found Toastmasters.”
Office credits Toastmasters with giving him skills to reestablish trust within the basketball group and lead the members to create goals and a vision for the future. “With the help of my Toastmasters family, I learned to communicate in a way that I could speak from my heart.”
Leading with love offers a formula for success that goes beyond a profitable bottom line and a checklist of achieved goals. Leading with love makes a greater, longer-lasting contribution to the world by impacting, improving and inspiring lives.
例如,Demetrius Office是俄克拉何馬州伊尼德平原演講俱樂部伊尼德演講者的成員,大約五年前創立了壹個青年男子籃球團體,幫助球員們做出積極的決定和行動計劃來改善他們的生活。他在小組成員之間建立了信任和開放的溝通,但就在他們開始對環境有信心的時候,壹個新成員的加入破壞了小組的團結。