古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - I still loving you 歌詞中文翻譯

I still loving you 歌詞中文翻譯

When I close my eyes I think of you「當我閉上眼睛我就想起了妳」 And the times we've had been through「還想起了我們曾經壹起渡過的時光」 Even though were far apart right now「即使已經過去了很久」 I remember back when you were here with me「我回想起妳還在我身邊的時候」 How you've make my world plete「回想起妳是如何讓我的世界變得完整」 But now I'm left alone「但現在只有我獨自壹個留下」 We talked about love and hope「我們曾經談論愛和希望」 Wishing we could start a life our own「希望我們可以開始屬於我們自己的生活」 I wish that I could live without you「我希望我可以不依賴妳」 Why did you tear my heart apart「為什麽妳要撕裂我的心」 You said you'll love me from the start「從開始的時候妳說過會壹直愛我」 All those painful things you've put me through「妳令我經歷了壹切痛苦的事」 But I'm still loving you「但我依然愛妳」 I've tried to give my best to you「我曾經嘗試過把我最好的給妳」 I don't deserve the things you do「妳不應該這樣對待我」 Everything has gone to memories「所有的事情都成為了回憶」 I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies「我只希望知道謊言背後的真相」 Why did you tear my heart apart「為什麽妳要撕裂我的心」 You said you'll love me from the start「從開始的時候妳說過會壹直愛我」 All those painful things you've put me through「妳令我經歷了壹切痛苦的事」 But I'm still loving you「但我依然愛妳」 I've tried to give my best to you「我曾經嘗試過把我最好的給妳」 I don't deserve the things you do「妳不應該這樣對待我」 Everything has gone to memories「所有的事情都成為了回憶」 I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies「我只希望知道謊言背後的真相」

參考: mojim/y109202x3x1