古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - 幾道英語句型轉換,1 He got a letter from his friend yesterday.(同義句)He?

幾道英語句型轉換,1 He got a letter from his friend yesterday.(同義句)He?

1. he heard from his friend yesterday

2. the room isn't big enough for us to live in

the room is so *** all that we cant live in it

3. i would rather drink tea then offee

4. mike did his homework instead of wathcing tv

5. make friends with a native speaker of english is a good way to improve english

6. except from magazine,...

7. he was very lucky saw...

8. he has wrote a book named "year2000"

9. what are you going to buy for him at his fifth birthday?,6,1.heard from

2. 1)not big enough, to

2)so ,that ,can',t it

3.would like ,than

4.instead of

6.making friends with ,to learn English

7.lucky to meet

8.written,named <<2000>>

9.buy for,on,fifth birthday.,2,1.heard from

2.①is really *** all to

②so *** all that can't

3.would rather to

4.instead of

5.make friends with to study English better

6.besides reading English magizines

7.lucky to see

8.written called 2000

9.buy for when fifth birthday,2,1 heard from

2 (1)is not large to

(2)so *** all that can't it

3 would rather than

4 instead of watching

5 making friends with to learn english better(?)

6 other than reading english magazines(?)

7 lucky to see

8 written named <2000>

9 buy for at 5 (?),2,heare of

isn't big enogh to

so that can't it

would rather than

instead of watching

making friends with to learn English well

besaids reading English magazine

lucky to meet

written named <<2000>>

buy for on fifth birthday,2,1.hear from

2.1.isn't enough to

2.so that can't it

3.would rather than

4.instead of watching

5.Making frends with to improve English

6.Except reading English mangzines

7.lucky to meet

8.written called <<2000 years>>

9.buy for at fifth birthday,2,1 heard from

2 not enough big to

so that can only

3prefer to than

4 and didn't watch

5 making friends with to improve your english

6 besides reading english magazines,

7lucky to see

8 written named "2000"

9buy for on fifth bothday,1,1.heard from

2.isn't big enough to

so that can't it

3.prefer to rather than

4.instead of watching

5.Making friends with to learn English better

6.Besides reading magazines

7.lucky to meet

8.written named/called 2000

9.buy for on fifth birthday

希望能幫上妳忙,1,1.heard from

2.1.isn't big enough to

2.so that can't it

3.would rather than

4.instead of watching

5.Making friends with to learn English

6.besides reading magazines

7.lucky to meet

8.written named 2000

9.buy for on fifth birthday,0,1.heard from

2.①not big enough to

②so that can't it

3.would rather than

4.instead of watching

5.Making friends with to learn English (better)

6.Except reading magazines

7.lucky to see

8.written named 2000

9.buy for when is five,0,1. heard from

2. ①isn't big enough...to


3. would rather...than

4. instead of watching

5. Making friend with...to study English

6. Besides reading mag...,0,1.heard from

2. 1)not big enough, to

2)so ,that ,can',t it

3.would like ,than

4.instead of

6.making friends with ,to learn English

7.lucky to meet

8.written,named <2000>

9.buy for,on,fifth birthday,0,1.heard from

2.1.isn't big enough to

2.so that can't it

3.would rather than

4.instead of watching

5.Making friends with to learn English

6.besides reading magazines

7.lucky to meet

8.written named 2000

9.buy for on fifth birthday,0,幾道英語句型轉換,

1 He got a letter from his friend yesterday.(同義句)He_ _ his friend yesterday.

2 The room is too *** all for us to live in.(同義句)

①The room _ _ _ for us _ live in.

②The room is _ *** all _ we_ live in _ .

3 我寧願喝茶,而不願喝咖啡.

I _ _ drink tea _ coffee.

4 Mike 沒有看電視.

Mike did his homework _ _ _ TV.

5 ___(交朋友)a native speaker of English is a good way ___(把英語學得更好).

6 ___(除看英語雜誌),there are many other fun ways to learn English.

7 昨天他非常幸運的見到了那位電影明星.

He was_ _ _ the moive star yesterday.

8 他寫了壹本《2000年》的書.

He has _ a book _ _.

9 在他5歲時,妳打算給他買什麽?

What are you going to_ _ him _ his_ _