古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - “天色”用英語怎麽說?(在慘淡的天色裏…)


天色漸漸暗下來了。 It's getting dark.

天色已經逼近黃昏。 Dusk is closing in.

天色慘淡。 It was gloomy weather.

天色漸亮,星星更加稀少。 The stars faded as day dawned.

天色灰蒙蒙的。 The sky was overcast.

都市籠罩在漸暗的天色之中。 Dusk was settling over the city.

風雨欲來, 天色黑暗. The sky darkened as the storm approached.

由天色看來,可能會放晴。Judging from the look of the sky,it may clear up.

天色瞬息萬變。The sky overhead robbed and pulsed with light.