古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - 欽奈的城市文化



欽奈的文化表現出它人口構成的多樣性。該市以其古典舞蹈和印度教廟宇著稱。每年十二月,欽奈舉辦為時五周的馬德拉斯音樂季,被稱為世界上最大的文化事件之壹。[14] 音樂季包括由該市及附近的數百名藝術家表演的傳統的Carnatic 音樂 。

欽奈還以古典舞蹈Bharatanatyam著稱,這是泰米爾納德邦的 official舞蹈。An 重要的文化中心 for Bharatanatyam is Kalakshetra (Sanskrit for place of the arts), located on the beach in the south of the city.

欽奈是規模龐大的泰米爾電影業的基地, dubbed Kollywood after the locality of Kodambakkam where most of the movie studios are located。每年生產大約300部泰米爾電影,film soundtracks dominate the music scene in the city.

傳統的Bharata natyam表演

欽奈 has a vibrant theatre scene, 有許多泰米爾 plays being performed。大體上,泰米爾 theatre is 分為 sabha-oriented theatre which are parodies on 政治 issues or trends supported by slapstick comedy and the non-sabha oriented theatre which include serious plays and historical plays。英文劇院也很受歡迎,大中學校文化節扮演重要角色 by 提供平臺為該市沈湎於文化藝術的年輕人。Also present is an established and growing culture of bands in 西方 and other styles.

欽奈慶祝許多節日。Pongal, celebrated 在壹月慶祝,是最重要的節日,慶祝活動持續5天以上。泰米爾新年 signifying the beginning of Tamil Calendar通常 falls on April 14,被廣泛慶祝。作為壹個世界性城市,這裏慶祝幾乎所有重要的宗教節日like Thai Poosam, 排燈節, Eid和聖誕節。

欽奈 is famous for 無數的餐館that offer 便餐 or 午餐 which usually include rice-based dishes like pongal, dosai, 黑綠豆米餅和 vadai,加上冒著熱氣的熱filter coffee, 是壹種在欽奈非常受歡迎的飲料。This unique cuisine is replicated in many a 馬德拉斯咖啡館 in 印度和世界其他地方。
