Even when the thunder and storm begins ★就算電閃雷鳴風暴即將到來的時候 I'll be standing stong like a tree in the wind ★我也會像風中的大樹壹樣堅定地站立 Nothing is gonna move this mountain or change my direction ★我的方向(願望)就像大山壹樣沒有什麽可以撼動(它) I'm falling off the sky and I'm all alone ★我孤獨地從空中墜落 The courage that's inside is gonna break my fall ★內心深處的勇氣將會阻止我的墜落 Nothing is gonna dim my light within ★沒有什麽可以熄滅我心中的光線(希望) But if I keep going on it will never be impossible ★如果我堅持去做那麽沒有什麽是不可能的 Not today. ★不是今天 Cause I got something to believe in ★因為我有信仰 As long as I'm breathing ★只要我還在呼吸 There is not a limit to what I can dream ★那麽我的夢想就永不會有止境 Cause I got something to believe in ★因為我有信仰 Mission to keep climbing ★因為我還有未竟的事業 Nothing else can stop me if I just believe ★如果我相信自己那麽就沒有什麽可以阻止我 And I believe in me. ★我相信自己 Even when the world tries to pull me down ★就算世界想把我摧毀 Tell me that I can't... try to turn me around ★告訴我做不到的....試著把我翻轉 I wont let them put my fire out ★我不會讓他們把我摧毀(燃燒殆盡) But if I keep going on it will never be impossible ★如果我堅持去做那麽沒有什麽是不可能的 Not today ★不是今天 Cause I got something to believe in ★因為我有信仰 As long as I'm breathing ★只要我還在呼吸 There is not a limit to what I can dream ★那麽我的夢想就永不會有止境 Cause I got something to believe in ★因為我有信仰 Mission to keep climbing ★因為我還有未竟的事業 Nothing else can stop me if I just believe ★如果我相信自己那麽就沒有什麽可以阻止我 And I believe in me. ★我相信自己 I can do it all, open every door ★我可以全部做到,打開所有的門 Turn unthinkable to reality ★化不可能為現實 You see I can do it all and more ★妳會看到我可以全部做到 Believing as long as I'm breathing ★(我)相信只要我還在呼吸 There is not a limit to what I can dream ★那麽我的夢想就永不會有止境 Cause I got something to believe in ★因為我有信仰 Mission to keep climbing ★因為我還有未竟的事業 Nothing else can stop me if I just believe ★如果我相信自己那麽就沒有什麽可以阻止我 And I believe in me. ★我相信自己