古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - 為什麽蘋果電腦叫蘋果,而不叫西瓜橘子?




這個名字最初是由史蒂夫?喬布斯[Steve Jobs,蘋果電腦公司創始人之壹]於1976年提出的。那時候,他常去壹個朋友家的農場參觀和勞動,那是壹個類似於嬉皮士[註1]公社性質的地方,喬布斯在壹年總要在那裏呆上幾個月。

有壹天,喬布斯從農場回來後,告訴了史蒂夫?沃茲尼亞克[Steve Wozniak,蘋果電腦公司創始人之壹]關於這個命名方式的想法[叫蘋果的原因可能是因為喬布斯在農場主要是負責蘋果的種植工作,也可能是為了表示對蘋 果唱片公司(Apple Records,該唱片公司負責了"披頭士"樂隊(The Beatles)的唱片的發行工作,而"披頭士"則是那個年代最受歡迎的樂隊之壹)的尊敬與仰慕]。雖然沃茲意識到這個名字可能會導致出現版權問題,但他 們也實在無法找到比"蘋果電腦"更好的公司名稱了。因此,只好先用上了再說。





A lot of people wonder where the name "Apple Computer" came from, as it is a rather unusal name for a computer company.

Steve Jobs came up with the name in early 1976. At the time, he was often visiting and working on a small farm friends of his owned. It was a hippie commune where Steve spent a few months of the year.

When he returned from one of those stays, he told Steve Wozniak about his idea. Jobs probably was working on apple plantages. Or it was a tribute to Apple Records, the music label of the Beatles. Woz knew instantly that they were going to have copyright problems with Apple Records, but as they were unable find a name that sounded better than Apple Computer the name was chosen.

Woz's worries turned out to be justified. Apple Computer, Inc. was sued by Apple Records over copyright infringements in 1989.

Apple Computer "owns" that word applied to computers, even though it is also an ordinary word. Apple Records owns it when applied to music. Neither owns the word on its own, only in context, and owning a mark doesn't mean complete control.




