古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - billie是什麽意思


billie意思是比利; 鄭元嘉; 比莉; 貝莉; 比麗。

短語搭配:Billie Hughes 比利·休斯 ; 標簽 Billie Joe 比利·喬 ; 主唱兼吉他手比利喬 ; 主唱比利 ; 最有音樂才華的 Hon Billie 紅貝緹 Billie Vincent 比利·文森特 Billie Williamson 威廉森 Billie Jones 標簽 Billie Rightmire 標簽 Billie Moore 標簽


1、Billie: Oh yes, I can see where a sheet of paper has got stuck. 比利:對了,我看到紙張在那裏卡住了。

2、It was just mad playing 'Billie Jean' with Michael Jackson - I never thought I'd do that.與邁克爾·傑克遜能夠壹起彈奏‘比利·吉恩’這真是壹件瘋狂的事啊-我從來沒有想過我會有這樣的經歷。

3、He became the first black artist to be prominently featured on that young, rock-oriented channel when the success of Billie Jean and Beat It became so overwhelming it could not be ignored.專輯中歌曲《Billie Jean》和《Beat It》的大肆走紅讓以針對年輕人和搖滾樂為主的MTV頻道無法忽視。 因此,傑克遜成為首位登上該頻道的黑人歌手。

4、However, I was finding that Max needed me in a way Billie never had. 不過,我漸漸發現,馬克斯非常需要我,而比莉從不會這樣。

5、After Billie was gone I never thought I would have another dog, much less one I could love so completely. 比莉去世後,我沒想過要再養壹只狗,更不用說再付出這麽多的感情。

6、I named her after seeing a theater production on the life of blues singer Billie Holiday. 我是在觀看過壹出講述藍調歌手比莉哈樂黛生平的電影後,以她的名字命名的。

7、When the New York gig fizzled, Billie and I moved back to the Bay Area. 後來,我在紐約的工作草草收場,比莉又跟著我回到了灣區。

8、Today, having obtained her MBA degree in England, Billie lives and works in England with her husband. 今天,在英國拿到了MBA學位的Billie,和丈夫壹同在英國生活工作著。

9、And we played here like about 1948 withBumps Blackwell's Junior Band with Billie Holiday. 大概是1948年的時候,我們在這裏和邦普斯布萊克韋爾青年樂團,壹起和比莉·哈樂黛***同演出。

10、Either way, it did not stop Billie and I from having a blast in enjoying Spice Girls. 不管是哪壹種可能都沒有阻止我和Billie壹起崇拜辣妹組合。