and the whole world is on your case 世界因妳惆悵
I could offer you a warm embrace 用擁抱將妳溫暖
to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意長
When the evening shadows and the stars appear 當繁星伴隨著夜晚出現
and there is no one there to dry your tears 無人替妳拭去淚傷
I would hold you for a million years 我會守候千載
to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意長
I know you haven't made your mind up yet 我知妳心意未決
but I would never do you wrong 但我不會焦急慌張
I've known it from the moment that we met 當妳我偶然相遇
no doubt in my mind where you belong 別懷疑 妳已占據我的心房
I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue 我心力交瘁
I'd go crawling down the avenue 我步履蹣跚
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do 可是我無有他想
to make you feel my love. 只讓妳感覺真愛壹如往常
The storms are raging on the rolling sea 狂風怒吼卷起千層浪
and on the highway of regret. 也會追悔莫及
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free 也會歷經滄桑
you ain't seen nothing like me yet 我依舊如此愛妳 像從前壹樣
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true 讓妳欣喜 讓妳如願以償
Nothing that I wouldn't do 我能做的只有這些
Go to the ends of the Earth for you 為妳過海飄洋
to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意長
to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意長