同時, 以100%直通市場交易以及更低的交易成本和更好的訂單執行,FXCG旨在為客戶創造壹個更純粹的交易環境。 FXCG目前在澳洲的墨爾本、英國的倫敦和中國設有多個辦公室,同時針對不同客戶需求和市場細分,擁有FXCG和FXCGprime等多個交易品牌。FXCG ECN Blade平臺監管
1、澳洲ASIC牌照: Capstone Global Australia Pty Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with License No. 494799. 2、開曼CIMA牌照: Capstone Global Markets Ltd is authorised and regulated under the Cayman Islands MonetaryAuthority under reference number 1587670. 3、聖文森特牌照:Capstone Global Markets LLC is an International Business Company registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines with registration number 119(119 LLC 2019).