1. 委托,托付;委任
2. [U,C](受)約束;(承擔)義務;(作)保證(+to)
3. [U,C]信奉;支持;獻身,投身(+to)
4. 拘留,監禁,收監,下獄,交押
5. [U,C]犯罪,罪行
6. (精神病院的)收容,關進精神病院,the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose,a message that makes a pledge,the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital),the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action,an engagement by contract involving financial obligation,import mitment 進口承諾 ,professional mitment 專業承諾 ,loan mitment 貸款承諾 ,mitment and involvement 信托與介入 ,firm mitment 堅定承諾,包銷承諾 ,mitment value 約定價值 ,renewing mitment 更新承約指公司借由在外匯市場上的換匯(*swap)操作,以便在到期日時能維持開放部位(*open position)。 ,original mitment 原承諾款額 ,mitment authority 承諾(授)權 ,mitment fee 承諾費 ,mitment n. 1. 委托,托付;委任 2. [U,C](受)約束;(承擔)義務;(作)保證(+to)3. [U,C]信奉;支持;獻身,投身(+to)4. 拘留,監禁,收監,下獄,交押